Planning and strategy for HL-LHC R2E


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Presentation transcript:

Planning and strategy for HL-LHC R2E S. Danzeca (EN-STI) on behalf of the R2E Project Many thanks to: M. Brugger, J. Casas-Cubillos, R. Denz, R. Garcia-Alia, S.Gilardoni, P. Krakowski, T. Leferve, A.Masi, G. Pigny, V. Senaj, M. Sosin, J. Steckert, Y. Thurel, B. Todd, N. Trikoupis, S. Uznanski 6th HL-LHC Workshop – Paris – 14/16 November 2016

R2E Target failure rate In order to reach the expected integrated luminosity, the availability of the machine has to be high (from Lucio’s presentation > 58%) Few failures due to radiation can be tolerated per year In the past we considered as target 0.1 dumps/fb-1 for the HL-LHC Can we go even lower than that? S.Danzeca - Planning and strategy for HL-LHC R2E

The strategy R2E mitigation was successful: very good conditions and availability For HL-LHC : prevention before mitigation! Monitoring for prevention Monitoring Analysis Prevention Mitigation Mitigation S.Danzeca - Planning and strategy for HL-LHC R2E

System already installed Prevention - Strategy Prevention deals with preventing faults to show up during operation. This can be accomplished by use of development methodologies and good implementation techniques. System already installed Their fault rate should be assessed considering higher radiation levels for the HL era The relocation should be notified and the expected failure rate reconsidered New Developments Have to follow a radiation assurance procedure RHA The criticality should be assessed The system has to be tested in a representative radiation environment Radiation Hardness Assurance Project Validation (RHAPV) document Radiation Hardness Assurance Procedures and Structure (RHAPS) document P. Fessia, M. Leon: HL-LHC Integration Meeting N59 S.Danzeca - Planning and strategy for HL-LHC R2E

New Developments 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 600A – 4/6/8kA Power Converter 60A – 120A 600A and 4/6/8/kA power supplies ready for the LS2 60A & 120A HL-LHC specific design iQPS QDS Point 7 QPS iQPS for main quads to be renovated in LS2 New Nb3Sn based magnets require new QDS systems running on tight margins BLM ASIC BE/BI CRYO BLM BLM readout ASIC has to be deployed during LS3 Cryo BLMs have to withstand high doses (2MGy) R&D already in place Active Gauges Active Gauges Vacuum Turbo Controller Active gauges development New RadTol turbo controller (TBD) FGClite (TE-EPC) to be deployed during the EYETS 2017 Capacitive sensors signal conditioners for the alignment of Q1-Q5 (EN-ACE) Rad-Hard valve positioner (TE-CRG) to be tested for HL-LHC requirements MKBH generators GTO possible replacement Complete list of developments in the R2E Pre HL-LHC workshop : S.Danzeca - Planning and strategy for HL-LHC R2E

New Developments - Support The new developments are followed by R2E which gives full support via the Radiation Working Group (RADWG) and Monitoring and Calculation Working group (MCWG) Radiation test service Common building blocks Characterization of commercial components used by all the groups (i.e FPGAs, Ethernet PHY, ADCs) Rad-Hard building blocks/components to be used in radiation tolerant design in collaboration with ESA and external companies (DSP, Ethernet PHY, ADC etc.) Test Facilities/Contracting CHARM, Co60, Vesper and external radiation facilities Dedicated monitoring/calculations S.Danzeca - Planning and strategy for HL-LHC R2E

Monitoring The radiation environment is a key ingredient to set target levels in lifetime (TID, DD) and failure rate (SEE) testing for compliance with HL-LHC availability requirements The radiation levels are important to extrapolate the cross sections of the installed equipment in order to foresee an upgrade for HL-LHC if necessary Today’s estimations of the radiation levels in HL-LHC are based on a combination of present measurements, scaling trends and calculations Radiation levels are related to several factors This is vital and serves as input for the equipment groups S.Danzeca - Planning and strategy for HL-LHC R2E

HL-LHC shielded areas in P1 and P5 A network of TCL (Target Collimator Long physics debris) collimators secures the protection of the cold magnets in the Matching Section In 2015 and 2016, TCL6 was open (i.e. best-case scenario for RR) In the HL-LHC case, all the TCLs are indispensable for magnet protection Closing TCL.6R/L increases the radiation level in the RR for both the point 1 and 5 RR shielded: ΦHEH2016 = 3.3·108 HEH/cm2/250 fb-1 ΦHEHFLUKA ~1·1010 HEH/cm2/250 fb-1 Simulated HL-LHC values are larger than a factor >10 with respect to what is obtained by scaling the 2016 measurements with luminosity A. Tsinganis S.Danzeca - Planning and strategy for HL-LHC R2E

ARC radiation Levels 2016 - 2015 2016: ~2x less integrated intensity per integrated luminosity (β*, crossing angle, etc.) Observed levels were an additional factor 2 smaller Possible improvement in the vacuum levels reducing beam-gas interactions 2017 measurements to be used for final extrapolation Point 6 C. Martinella O. Stein S.Danzeca - Planning and strategy for HL-LHC R2E

Monitoring convention We were always referring to the radiation levels in three big categories: ARC (cell 32-12), DS(cell 11-7), LSS (cell 6-1) Nowadays peak loss points are measured also in the ARC (above cell 12) where up to now the radiation levels have been considered constant. We have to reference the DS area in the R2E context as from cell 7 to cell 16 In terms of prevention, we could foresee a relocations of tunnel systems from the DS and hot spots 13L5 12L5 11L5 14L5 S.Danzeca - Planning and strategy for HL-LHC R2E

Radiation Levels for HL-LHC LHC (2016 up to 30 fb-1, measured) HL-LHC (250 fb-1/yr) Location ΦHEH (cm-2) Φneq Dose (Gy) ARC 108 2·10-1 DS(peak) 3·1010 60 RR7 107 10-2 RR1/5 109 10-1 UJ1/5 5·108 5·109 5·10-1 UL1/5 Location ΦHEH (cm-2) Φneq Dose (Gy) ARC 109 2 DS(peak) 3·1011 600 RR7 108 10-1 RR1/5 1010 1011 10 UJ1/5 5·109 5·1010 5 UL1/5 β*, crossing angle, etc. Lower losses TCL impact Conversion factors: Tunnel: 2 Gy ~ 109 HEH/cm2 ~ 109 neq/cm2 Shielded: 1 Gy ~ 109 HEH/cm2 ~ 1010 neq/cm2 Scaling factors: ARC: intensity, availability, beam-gas pressure RR7: collimation losses RR1/5: luminosity + TCL (FLUKA) UL, UJ, DS: luminosity DS/ARC strategy RR Qualification Requirements & Shielding S.Danzeca - Planning and strategy for HL-LHC R2E

Conclusions Nowadays very good conditions and availability thanks to mitigation strategy The strategy for HL-LHC is: PREVENTION before mitigation New developments RHA documents that follows the equipment groups in the assurance of the required failure rates Integration document to be iterated within R2E to follow any change in the equipment relocation Monitoring is vital for setting the lifetime and failure rates requirements and verifying the existing equipment hidden failures Monitoring and simulations during the next years will clarify possible scenarios for HL-LHC which can pose different requirements for the equipment groups. Full support to all the equipment groups by the R2E project via the Radiation Working Group and Monitoring and Calculation working group. S.Danzeca - Planning and strategy for HL-LHC R2E

Thank you S.Danzeca - Planning and strategy for HL-LHC R2E