South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective November 1, 2017)
South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017) SCDDSN requires the use of the Therap General Event Reporting Module (GER) for all events listed in this document. The GER may be completed by the Direct Support Staff, or by individuals designed by the Provider Agency to do so. Notification timelines and additional reporting requirements are included in this document. Some GER Reports will also result in the need to complete a separate report on the DDSN Incident Management System. The GER will replace other documentation sources that a provider may have had in place to document such events. The GER should not become "another" place for staff to document an event. It should be "the" primary record/documentation.
South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017) In general, all documentation must be entered by the end of the shift in which the incident occurred or within 2 hours. The Event Date is the date the incident happened. The information in GER will not be required to be uploaded in IMS, but the user must reference the Therap Form ID. The GER will not be “another” place to document. It is “the” place for DDSN Contracted Provider staff to document required events. A provider’s use of additional reporting logs or paper documents is optional, according to the provider’s internal policy. The Provider staff will select the Event Type within the GER and then follow the prompts for additional drop-down selections.
South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017) Some event types will require a Critical Incident Report or Initial Report of Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation. Additional reporting requirements using the DDSN Incident Management System are noted within the GER matrix. The provider agency designee must review and approve the GER within 24 hours. The designated staff may enter additional comments for GER Follow-up and determine routing. For example, the designee may require notification and review by the agency nurse for any injuries. GERs will appear on the dashboard for Case Managers for anyone assigned to their caseload.
South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017) Many Medical Events previously required as Critical Incidents will now be entered in Therap as a GER.
South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017) The initial documentation for Choking, Falls, and Care/Treatment that was not followed according to the prescribed plan will be maintained in the GER. There will be additional prompting for the provider to complete a Critical Incident Report for these incident types.
South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017) Injuries to the consumer must be documented in the GER. Minor injuries for not require a Critical Incident Report. Serious injuries will require a Critical Incident Report. Serious Injuries of Unknown Origin must be treated as an allegation of ANE.
South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017) Medication Errors will now be reported through the GER instead of paper reporting forms.
South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017) A Death Report must also be completed on the DDSN Incident Management System for both Expected and Unexpected deaths. The GER in Therap may be referenced through the Therap Form ID in order to avoid duplication of effort. The IMS will require information that is not included in the GER.
South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017) Restrictive procedures require the approval of the provider’s Human Rights Committee. Please reference DDSN Directives 600-05-DD and 567-04-DD. Any use of a restraint must be documented in Therap using the GER. If there are any injuries to he person supported, a Critical Incident Report must be completed on the DDSN Incident Management System.
South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017) Behavioral issues may pose a risk to the person supported and/or people around them. It is important to have a record of behavior in order to ensure appropriate supports are available. The GER will be the initial source of documentation for all behavioral incidents.
South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017) Provider staff must provide documentation in a GER whenever a supported person is found to have a weapon, in possession of illegal substances, or involved in sexual aggression/ assault. In addition, a Critical Incident Report will be required in the DDSN Incident Management System. Details included in the GER may be referenced in the CI Report using the Therap Form ID in order to minimize any duplication of effort.
South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017) Users with the GER Submit role can create new incident reports and submit them for approval. They may also save partially completed reports, which will appear in the GER Worklist. Please follow the steps below to create a new GER:
South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017)
South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017) Event Basics
South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017) Additional information for adding different types of events may be found at
South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017) Actions Taken Notifications
South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017) Supporting documentation may be attached to the GER. This documentation may be referenced in the Critical Incident Report, if applicable.
and on-line resources available on the Therap Web-site. South Carolina Department of Disabilities & Special Needs General Event Reporting Requirements (Effective October 1, 2017) Saving the GER on Therap For additional training regarding the use of the GER on Therap, please refer to the Therap Training Academy and on-line resources available on the Therap Web-site.