Common Linear & Classification for Machine Learning using Microsoft R


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Presentation transcript:

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RevoScaleR Package for Microsoft R Scalable, Distributed and Parallel Computation, Available along with Microsoft R Server and in-Database R Services. With Prefix – rx Name Description rxLinMod Linear regression rxDtree Decision tree rxKmeans Classification

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iris[,3] >>> Petal.Length iris[,4] >>> Petal.Width plot(iris[,4],iris[,3],type="p",pch=16,cex=1,xlab="Petal.Width",ylab="Petal.Length",main="Iris",col=iris$Species)

Linear Regression -Some basic statistic elements Dependent variable iris[,3] >>> Petal.Length Independent variable (predictor) iris[,4] >>> Petal.Width Formula Petal.Length = a + b*Petal.Width

- How well does the model fit the data? PPModel1<-rxLinMod(Petal.Length~Petal.Width,data=iris,covCoef = T) PPModel1 summary(PPModel1) names(PPModel1) - How well does the model fit the data? R Squared : percentage of the variances explained by the model Significance of the models (P Value) AIC / VIF / ANOVA / Residual Plot

Linear Regression - rxLinMod

Petal.Length = a + b*Petal.Width Petal.Length = 1.08356 + 2.22994*Petal.Width plot(iris[,4],iris[,3],type="p",pch=16,cex=1,xlab="Petal.Width",y lab="Petal.Length",main="Iris",col=iris$Species) abline(PPModel1,lwd=5,col="red")

Prediction > new1<-data.frame(iris[,3:4]) > ppModel1_Predict<-rxPredict(PPModel1,data=new1,outData = new1,computeResiduals = T,interval = "prediction",writeModelVars = T,computeStdErrors = T) > names(ppModel1_Predict) [1] "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width" "Petal.Length_Pred" [4] "Petal.Length_StdErr" "Petal.Length_Lower" "Petal.Length_Upper" [7] "Petal.Length_Resid" > plot(iris[,4],iris[,3],type="p",pch=16,cex=1,xlab="Petal.Width",ylab="Petal.Length",main="Iris",col=iris$Species) > abline(PPModel1,lwd=5,col="red") > points(ppModel1_Predict[,2],ppModel1_Predict[,5],col="green",type="l",lwd="4") > points(ppModel1_Predict[,2],ppModel1_Predict[,6],col="green",type="l",lwd="4")

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SSRS Report

Name In RevoScaleR Package In Basci R Description rxLinMod lm Linear regression rxDtree rpart Decision tree rxKmeans kmeans Cluster

Common Classification Model rxDTree { from RevoScaleR Package} Fit classification and regression trees Demo library(RevoScaleR) library(RevoTreeView) IrisTreeexample<-rxDTree(Species~Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width +Petal.Length +Petal.Width,data = iris) plot(createTreeView(IrisTreeexample))

Name In RevoScaleR Package In Basci R Description rxLinMod lm Linear regression rxDtree rpart Decision tree rxKmeans kmeans Cluster

K means clustering iris_rxKmeans_3<-rxKmeans(formula = ~Petal.Length+Petal.Width,data=iris,numClusters = 3,outFile = "iriscluster.xdf",outColName = "Cluster") iris_rxKmeans_3$cluster<-as.factor(iris_rxKmeans_3$cluster) library(ggplot2) ggplot(iris, aes(Petal.Width, Petal.Length, color = iris_rxKmeans_3$cluster)) + geom_point(size=5)+ggtitle("after K Means 3 cluster")

Plot(iris) – Sepal.Length /Width

iris_rxKmeans<-rxKmeans(formula = ~Sepal. Length+Sepal iris_rxKmeans<-rxKmeans(formula = ~Sepal.Length+Sepal.Width,data=iris,numClusters = 3,outFile = "iriscluster1.xdf",outColName = "Cluster") iris_rxKmeans$cluster<-as.factor(iris_rxKmeans$cluster) library(ggplot2) ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, color = iris_rxKmeans$cluster)) + geom_point(size=5)+ggtitle("after K Means 3 cluster")

numClusters = 5 Github: tomaztk/Compare_kmeans_rxKmeans Is it possible to use RevoScaleR package in Power BI? -From

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