By Charlie Moore Mrs. Kelly Book Report 5/18/09 Number the Stars By Lois Lowry By Charlie Moore Mrs. Kelly Book Report 5/18/09
Lois Lowry Won a Newbery Award for The Giver Other books: Gathering Blue, Messenger, The Silent Boy, Anastasia, Gooney Bird Series, A Summer To Die Biography: Lois was the middle child in her family. She was very independent. Paid most attention to books and imagination. Moved a lot. Lives in Massachusetts. Son died in war.
Literary Elements Characters Annemarie- Brave, Heroic Uncle Henrik- Fisherman, Influential, Brave Mama- Compassionate, Intelligent Papa- Compassionate Ellen- Brave, Friendly Mrs. And Mr. Rosen- Scared, Evacuated Peter- Cares for others more than himself
Literary Elements Plot, Conflict, Setting This story takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark 1940’s. The German soldiers invade Annemarie’s town and plan to take all of the Jews. Her best friend, Ellen, and her parents, are Jews and have to evacuate the town to remain safe. When the soldiers invade can Annemarie save the day, and her best friend’s life?
Literary Elements Love your neighbors as your self Themes Love your neighbors as your self Be brave even if you are risking your life
World War II When Germany was defeated in World War I, they were forced to give up 13 percent of their land when they signed the Treaty of Versailles. After World War I, the Germans were unhappy and angry about what was taken away from them during World War I. They were also facing a rough economy. Adolf Hitler convinced them that he would regain their land and destroy all opposing forces. World War II started on September 1, 1939 when Germany, lead by Adolf Hitler, invaded Poland. Germany then invaded Denmark and Norway to secure shipments of iron ore from Sweden. Germany wanted to protect the iron ore supply to make weapons of war. Adolf Hitler believed in racial purity and killing any, in his terms, “life unworthy of life.” Between 1939 and 1945 Hitler killed between 11 and 14 million people to purify the German race. He killed about 6 million Jews. He also killed disabled children, the mentally ill, communists and political opponents. Hitler took people from their homes that he did not think should live and put them in concentration camps to be tortured and killed. Eventually the war ended in 1945 and the United States and its Allies were victorious over Germany. During the war approximately 60 million people died including 40 million civilians.
King Christian X Born September 26, 1870 Christian X was King of Denmark 1912 to 1947 His motto was “My God, My Country, My Honour” Rode around Denmark each morning on his horse, Jubilee, with no bodyguards even after the Nazi’s took over He married Alexandrine of Mecklenburg-Schwerin He did not hide when Nazi’s occupied Denmark like the monarchs of other occupied countries “Mental Resistance” “National symbol by ignoring German occupation and refusing to salute Hitler He died April 20, 1947 (age 76)