Election of 1960 Democratic candidate: John F. Kennedy Republican candidate: Richard M. Nixon September 26, 1960: first televised debate Both candidates considered themselves “Cold warriors” when to stop communism. Kennedy’s religion was a major issue at the time. No one had been elected President who was catholic. People feared he would take orders from the Pope. While addressing a convention of Protestant ministers Kennedy gave a famous speech saying, “I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute where no catholic prelate would tell the president how to act”.
Kennedy Takes Office Kennedy implements his legislative agenda that he campaigned on called the “New Frontier”. To stimulate the economy Kennedy fought for deficit spending and investing more funds in defense and space exploration. It worked. President took on labor and asked companies to hold down prices of goods. Kennedy pushed for tax cuts because he believed it would enable businesses to hire more people, but Congress would not accept it because they believed it would cause inflation. Kennedy convened the President’s panel on Mental Retardation. As a result, Congress provided grants to build research centers and to construct mental health facilities. Kennedy also convened a forum on women’s equality.
Warren Court Reforms In 1953 Earl Warren became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Under his leadership the Supreme Court issued several rulings that dramatically changed American politics and society. Baker V. Carr 1962 ruled in favor of reapportionment. It allowed Federal courts to hear lawsuits where parties would force states to redraw electoral districts. They cited “one man, one vote” meaning rural areas or otherwise would not hold more authority. The case boosted the political power of minorities. The court ruled in several cases that backed the principle of “Due process” under the law. Meaning the government must treat everyone under the law equally. The Supreme Court upheld separation of church and state.
Several rulings dealt with expanded federal protection and due process Several rulings dealt with expanded federal protection and due process. Rulings applied the Bill of Rights to the state level and protected individual rights.
JFK and the Cold War Kennedy wanted to have a “flexible response” to resist communism. He wanted to rely on conventional weapons, troops and special forces to deal with communism. Focused on providing aid to poor countries around the world specifically Latin America to prevent them from becoming communist. Created the “Alliance for Progress” providing 20 billion dollars to assist Latin American countries to create infrastructure, schools, hospitals, housing and health care. Kennedy wanted to win the space race by placing the first man on the moon. He wanted to prove to the world that capitalism was superior to communism and prevent communism from strengthening in other nations.
The Bay of Pigs Invasion Started with Eisenhower and followed with Kennedy. Conceived by the CIA to overthrow Fidel Castro, the invasion involved Cuban exiles who had fled Castro’s rule and settled in the United States. The Bay of Pigs mission failed. The President said, however, that he would continue to resist efforts by the communists to control other countries in Western Hemisphere. Kennedy took responsibility for the mission’s failure. 6
Crisis of the Cold War “Bay of Pigs” Fidel Castro takes over Cuba in 1959, and becomes allies with the Soviet Union. CIA secretly trained Cuban exiles were sent to back to Cuba by President Kennedy. The goal was to attack and bring about an uprising amongst the people to get rid of Castro. The Cubans arrived in the bay of pigs in south coast of Cuba. It was a disaster. Many of their boats sank before even reaching shore. Within days the Cuban exiles were captured and killed within a couple of days. President Kennedy was seen as being weak for the inability to execute this military plan. Additionally the United States was exposed attempting to overthrow a government.
Bay of Pigs Invasion The Failed Invasion Information was leaked early- New York Times Air strikes failed. Castro prepared for a land attack. Invaders were captured and ransomed back to United States for $52 million in food and aid. Strengthened Castro’s ties to the Soviet Union http://www.learn360.com/ShowVideo.aspx?ID=515285&SearchText=Investigations+Into+The+Failure http://www.learn360.com/ShowVideo.aspx?ID=316997&PageSize=50&SearchText=fidel+castro
Kennedy Khrushchev
Soviet Response June 1961 Premiere Khrushchev met with President Kennedy in Austria. President Kennedy wanted to purse a nuclear test ban treaty. Khrushchev wanted West Germany to give up Berlin. Kennedy refused. As a result of the lack of cooperation Khrushchev builds a wall that separates eastern Berlin with Western Berlin. It was the beginning of the Berlin wall. The Berlin Wall symbolized the division between the Soviets and the United States, and between totalitarianism and democracy.
Cuban Missile Crisis In 1962, American intelligence agencies photographed Soviet nuclear missile installations in Cuba. Missile launch site photo, HSUS: p. 957.
The missiles at these Cuban sites threatened major cities in the United States. Missile range map, HSUS: p. 957.
The Cuban Missile Crisis Kennedy assembled a group of advisors, known as the ExComm, to help him plan a response. ExComm military members favored an air strike, perhaps followed by a land invasion of Cuba. Others argued for a naval blockade. Kennedy agreed with this plan. The world watched as Soviet ships carrying missile parts approached the naval blockade. They turned back. Managing the Crisis Khrushchev agreed to dismantle the missiles if the United States pledged to never invade Cuba. Both Kennedy and Khrushchev took steps to ease tensions between their countries. They set up a hotline to allow direct communication during times of crisis. The Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was signed, ending atmospheric and underwater testing of nuclear weapons. Effects of the Crisis
To resolve the Cuban missile crisis, Kennedy worked In Public Behind the Scenes In a television address, Kennedy blamed Khrushchev for reckless action that threatened world peace. Kennedy initiated a U.S. naval blockade of Cuba. Kennedy told the Soviets that the United States would remove U.S. missiles from Turkey and Italy if the Soviets removed their missiles from Cuba. 16
Cuban Missile Crisis U2 spy plane found these nuclear missile silos in Cuba, 1962. Kennedy announces to the nation the Soviet Union had placed long range nuclear missiles in Cuba. Kennedy orders an naval blockade of Cuba and demands the missiles be dismantled and leave Cuba. Secret negotiations between the Soviets and U.S happened for a few weeks. Soviets agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba if America remove its missiles from Turkey.
After six tense days, the Soviets backed off. Nikita Khrushchev agreed to honor the blockade and removed the missiles. The crisis prompted the two leaders to establish a period of détente. They set up a hot line between Washington, D.C. and Moscow to improve communication.
Death of President Kennedy On November 22nd 1963 Kennedy was in Dallas Texas. He was traveling in a presidential motorcade. While driving through the downtown plaza he was shot and mortally wounded. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested as the suspect. Two days later while in police custody walking out of the police station he was shot and killed by Jack Ruby.