Electoral College Process of how we elect our Presidents We vote indirectly for a President Vote for an Elector who votes for you
Numbers 538 Available Votes Each State has the same number of votes as they have people in Congress Oregon 7 votes (2 Senators + 5 Reps.) 538 Electoral Votes 435 House of Representatives 100 Senate 3 Washington DC
How Does It Work? Each State Has Own Individual Election Count Up Total Votes in State Whoever Gets the Most Votes Wins Winner Take All Cannot split states’ electoral votes Maine and Nebraska
How Do You Win? First Candidate to 270 Votes Is President If no candidate gets majority (270) then it goes to the House of Representatives: Top 3 Candidates Each State gets 1 vote Majority Wins (26)
Why Do We Have Electoral College? Why not just have a “popular” vote? History and Tradition Communications of 1800 vs. Today?
Problems with Electoral College Winner Take All System Can win Popular Vote and still lose the Election (3 times – 2000 Election) Can win Presidency with only 12 states Electors Voting