Three years ago the first Kentucky Veterans of The Year began over lunch between John Mustain and Jim Grahn. The question was how do we get the word out about the work Operation Outreach is doing and how do we honor veterans who continue to serve their nation by serving their communities and neighbors. On that day, the Kentucky Veterans of the Year initiative was born. There are many “Veterans of the Year” programs across the United States, but the Kentucky Veterans of the Year is the first initiative in the nation in which absolutely every male and female veteran living within the borders of Kentucky is eligible to receive the award. In 2015, Mike Mustain decided to duplicate the Kentucky Veterans of the Year in the State of Indiana. Mike negotiated a partnership with the Epilepsy Foundation of Kentuckiana and started the Indiana Veterans of the Year. Patterned almost entirely off the Kentucky Veterans of the Year, the Indiana Veterans of the Year is the second initiative in the nation in which absolutely every male and female veteran living within the borders of Indiana is eligible to receive the award.
Today we will look at 5 areas of the INVOTY: INDIANA VETERANS OF THE YEAR (INVOTY) Today we will look at 5 areas of the INVOTY: 1) Why INVOTY 2) HOW INVOTY WORKS 3) JUDGING 4) AWARDS 5) FUNDING
Today we will look at 5 areas of the INVOTY: INDIANA VETERANS OF THE YEAR (INVOTY) Today we will look at 5 areas of the INVOTY: 1) Why INVOTY 2) HOW INVOTY WORKS 3) JUDGING 4) AWARDS 5) FUNDING
WHY INVOTY Most programs for veterans highlight the issues of veterans’ struggles Drug Abuse Alcoholism Homelessness Post-Traumatic Stress Traumatic Brain Injury, etc. The INVOTY wants to recognize the value and contributions of our Hoosier veterans Focus on the good our veterans are accomplishing in their communities Focus on our veterans strength, loyalty, and dedication to our State For just one night the INVOTY wants to Bring our veterans’ families and friends together To Honor, Respect, and Thank our Hoosier Heroes
Today we will look at 5 areas of the INVOTY: INDIANA VETERANS OF THE YEAR (INVOTY) Today we will look at 5 areas of the INVOTY: 1) Why INVOTY 2) HOW INVOTY WORKS 3) JUDGING 4) AWARDS 5) FUNDING
Nominations are strictly limited to only 250 words How INVOTY Works: Nominations are taken online only You do not have to live in Indiana to nominate a veteran Only veterans living in Indiana are eligible to receive award Nominees must meet INVOTY criteria Indiana resident Honorably discharged Not a member of Guard or Reserves See website for full details Nominations are strictly limited to only 250 words
How INVOTY Works: Who Should I Nominate? (Con’t) Who Should I Nominate? Any Hoosier Veteran is eligible Things to look for in a veteran Are they serving their neighbors and communities Some of the best nominees will not be the most noticeable Many may not feel “worthy” of being nominated Some examples of service Mows neighbor’s yard Sits with grieving families Places flags or flowers on gravesites Big Brothers or Big Sisters School volunteers Mentors
Today we will look at 5 areas of the INVOTY: INDIANA VETERANS OF THE YEAR (INVOTY) Today we will look at 5 areas of the INVOTY: 1) Why INVOTY 2) HOW INVOTY WORKS 3) JUDGING 4) AWARDS 5) FUNDING
JUDGING All personally identifiable information will be redacted Judging will be based on current community service Military service is only considered to determine Veteran status All military awards, ranks, or tours of service will be redacted Triple Blind System Judges will not know who other judges are (4 total) Judges will receive redacted nominations via e-mail Judges will send their decisions (scores) to a generic e-mail Compiling judge will retrieve judges scores only The Female and the Male veteran with the lowest aggregate score is determined to be the winners. As the INVOTY is not awarded by popular vote, multiple nominations are discouraged
Today we will look at 5 areas of the INVOTY: INDIANA VETERANS OF THE YEAR (INVOTY) Today we will look at 5 areas of the INVOTY: 1) Why INVOTY 2) HOW INVOTY WORKS 3) JUDGING 4) AWARDS 5) FUNDING
AWARDS One female veteran will receive the Indiana Veterans of the Year One male veteran will receive the Indiana Veterans of the Year Every nominee in attendance will be honored during the banquet All awards and recognitions are non-monetary Sponsors will be recognized
Today we will look at 5 areas of the INVOTY: INDIANA VETERANS OF THE YEAR (INVOTY) Today we will look at 5 areas of the INVOTY: 1) Why INVOTY 2) HOW INVOTY WORKS 3) JUDGING 4) AWARDS 5) FUNDING
FUNDING A 501 (c) (3) NON-PROFIT Funding for the INVOTY is through the generous contributions of: Corporate Sponsors Interested individuals Banquet program advertising Ticket sales Memorial contributions Honorarium contributions The INVOTY is not a “fund raising” effort, per se, funds will be raised for: The INVOTY banquet The INVOTY initiative sustainability To insure a ticket is available for any veteran financially unable to attend
Co-Founder & Vice Chairman Michael Mustain Co-Founder & Chairman John Mustain Co-Founder & Vice Chairman