Engineering and Applied Science Tribunal General Meeting July 18, 2016
Agenda: Committee Reports Constitution and Bylaws Discussion Constitution and Bylaws Vote Vote on Election Process Nominations
Purpose What we are: CEAS Branch of Student Government What we do: Host programs for the college Input on curriculum, grievances, and student/faculty relations Improve student experience in the college
CEAS TRIBUNAL EXECUTIVE STRUCTURE President Secretary Treasurer Vice President Associate Vice President Senators (X2) Election Oversight Technology Mentorship Collegiate Affairs Luau Innovation Constitution & Bylaws Public Affairs Career Fair (X2) EWeek (X2) SOCC FELD Special Events OFFICERS are in black. COMMITTEE CHAIRS are in red.
Tribunal Officers President: John Lewnard Vice President: Nick Stelzer Associate Vice President: Heath Palmer Treasurer: Jared Wood Secretary: Nick Oslin Senators: Tim Kemper Khaled Aboumerhi
Tribunal Executives Career Fair: Tim Kemper Nathan Hamit Collegiate Affairs: Emma Lowe Constitution and Bylaws Troy Le EWeek: Irene Mysonhimer Nathan Tiffany FELD: Paige Johnson Innovation: Max Inniger Luau: Andrew Droesch Public Affairs: Demetri Bardis SOCC: Chris Stone Special Events: Steven Ankney Technology: Michael Santacroce Election Oversight Committee: Midhun Shanmuganathan Mentorship: Emily Demjanenko Dane Sowers
Officer Reports
President Office Hours: Out of town for co-op Please call at anytime: Officer: John Lewnard President Office Hours: Out of town for co-op Please call at anytime: (513) 377-6054
Vice President Office Hours: Monday’s 10:30-11:30 am Officer: Nick Stelzer Vice President Office Hours: Monday’s 10:30-11:30 am
AVP Report Office Hours: Mondays 3-4pm (subject to change) Baldwin 650 Officer: Heath Palmer AVP Report Office Hours: Mondays 3-4pm (subject to change) Baldwin 650
Officer: Jared Wood Treasurer If you need to ask me about anything Tribunal related feel free to email me at
Officer: Nick Oslin Secretary Don’t forget to sign in! You need to sign in to 4 meetings to earn voting privileges.
Senator Report Summer Office Hours Tim: Officer: Tim Kemper Khaled Aboumehri Senator Report Summer Office Hours Tim: Mondays: 6:30 (end of meeting) – 8:00 PM Wednesdays: 6:30 – 7:30PM Arent available then? Just reach out! Khaled: Mondays: 6:30 – 8:00 PM Other evenings as needed.
Committee Reports
Come voice your concerns about professors, courses, etc.! Committee Chair: Emma Lowe Collegiate Affairs Open Forum Today! Where: Baldwin 644/544 When: 4:30pm Why: To improve your college experience! Come voice your concerns about professors, courses, etc.!
Special Events Events This Summer Committee Chair: Steven Ankney Special Events Events This Summer Kings Island Day (Saturday July 23rd) Exam Week Breakfast (Finals Week) Goetta Fest (Saturday August 6th)??????
Constitution and Bylaws Committee Chairs: Troy Le Constitution and Bylaws Please discuss any other concerns regarding questions, concerns, etc. about the constitution and bylaw changes. Vote on Constitution and Bylaw changes.
Upcoming Elections The C&B are technically not approved until Senate approves them Senate does not meet until Fall Semester Historically, Senate always approves Tribunal C&B’s Tribunal general members are for C&B changes seeing C&B were approved Tribunal officers/exec would like to see new positions take into affect during spring semester So, Tribunal officers/exec want to vote on new C&B positions before they are fully approved Would allow for seasoned execs and officers implementing new structure - seamless transition
Upcoming Elections: Proposal Hold two separate election processes for Vice President Configurations Old Configuration Vote: Vice President and Associate Vice President New Configuration Vote: Vice President of College Affairs and Vice President of Events Why are we recommending this… it seems confusing? You’re right it is. Our current constitution and bylaws have not been completely approved so the old configuration is still currently Tribunal law. So, while we want the new configuration in the spring semester, we cannot just vote on the new configuration, because the current constitution and bylaws calls out Vice President and Associate Vice President (old configuration). So we will hold two separate elections with separate nomination process for the vice presidential positions. Treasurer and Secretary will be voted on as usual Secretary no longer voted on in new configuration Secretary that is voted in will be appointed as the spring secretary
Upcoming Elections: Proposal But most importantly, it was decided that the general body must approve this election process by a majority vote to allow for transparency. Questions, concerns, and discussions are welcomed. Once discussion is over, vote. Yes Vote - Allows for proposed election process No Vote - Does not allow for proposed election process
Nominations (Old Configuration) Spring Vice President Nominees: Spring Associate Vice President Nominees:
Nominations (New Configuration) Spring Vice President of College Affairs Nominees: Spring Vice President of Events Nominees:
Nominations Spring Treasurer Nominees: Spring Secretary Nominees:
Other Announcements
Constructive Criticism What do you like/dislike about the college? Comments / Questions? What would you like to see Tribunal do next?
Next Meeting: August 1, 2016 5:30pm 644/544 Baldwin