Turn Your Caterpillar into a Butterfly: Creating and Evolving Your Transition Program Sharon Travers, Assistant Principal, Castro Valley Adult & Career Education Linette Escobar, Transition Specialist, Castro Valley Adult & Career Education Yvonne Wu-Craig, Director of Grants, Chabot College Rawya Bnyata, student Sonitha Yousifi, student Martina Ruiz, student
How do Transition support services fit in with AEBG and AB86? Adult Education Block Grant (AEBG/AB104) AB86 Planning Grants for adult school and community college consortia Creates linkages for students to accelerate academic and career success Seamless transitions for students across adult schools and community colleges
Table Share Where is your transition program now Table Share Where is your transition program now? Where do you want it to be in 1 year? Now People Training Resources: Funding, Facilities Students Served Partnerships 1 Year from Now People Training Resources: Funding, Facilities Students Served Partnerships
Our Process 2012 Brainstorming and development K-12 and college advising background Created a name: Launch Researched web-based college and career resources Developed intake form Worked with Leadership Team and teachers to create awareness Launch! College & Career Success Program
Our Process Outreach to students College 101 presentations and financial aid workshops Occurred when student neared completion Process effective on individual level but... Greater student utilization needed Closer CC and community/employment connections needed 2014-15 Transition: New Transition Specialist
2014-16: Program Evolves New Transition Specialist background Reaching and Recruiting Access to students Active outreach Inserted into ASE curriculum Deepening Connections Community Colleges Partnerships Opportunities benefit students
Step 1: Determine Resources Fiscal: Funding Sources AEBG WIOA AB86 Planning Grant – Consortium priority Facilities: Private space for conferencing Personnel hours needed
Step 2: Lay the Groundwork Create college-going culture “Push” rather than “Pull” Teacher support key Photos of graduates Facebook News Stories Job Boards Survey students
Step 3: Identify a Person to provide Assessment of student goals, abilities, time-frame, and education path Career exploration One-on-one help with the college process College applications and financial aid forms College and career workshops, college tours Resumes, cover letters Referrals to social services
Step 4: Gather tools Tool #1 - INTAKE FORM Address barriers Encourage students to come for additional visits Provides documentation Limitation: paper based, not all students need the same thing Requirements on data and accountability = importance of gathering/reporting/tracking different way
Tool #2-Career Exploration Software
Career Matchmaker a place to start Career Cruising – screen shot of Matchmaker Assessment
Step 5: Get Students in the door Classroom presentations and “popping in” Advisor as a teacher? Create staff awareness Embed career exploration into high school course Transition Specialist on Leadership Team Field trips Flyers Social media profiles of students using services Arrange speakers
Step 6: Develop Partnerships “It takes a village….” Community Colleges Chambers of Commerce ROP, WIB, high schools, consortium partners Local businesses
Partnership with Community Colleges Connect: Counselors, ESL Teachers, College Tours, Include Adult Students in Employment and Job Fair Opportunities Participate in Your Regional Consortium: Attend Strategy Team meetings Piloting & Experimentation Programs/Classes/Co-Location/Credit & Non-Credit on CC and AS campuses, Summer Boot Camps
From our Partners: Manufacturing Day Sponsored by Chabot College, San Leandro Chamber of Commerce, Eden Area ROP, and Workforce Investment Board
How Does this Affect Students?
Summary Start small Ask questions Gather your people, places and things Get connected!
Opportunities & Questions Add to your worksheet Questions? Thank You!
Contact us Sharon Travers, Assistant Principal stravers@cv.k12.ca.us Linette Escobar, Transition Specialist lescobar@cv.k12.ca.us Yvonne Wu-Craig, Director of Grants, Chabot College ywu-craig@chabotcollege.edu Like Castro Valley Adult & Career Education on Facebook to hear more about our work!