Czech Republic Folk Dances
Bohemia Folk dances reflected life of ordinary people Folklore in Bohemia can be roughly divided into two regions based on type of musical instruments. Bagpipes are characteristic for the south and brass instruments are used in the remaining parts of Bohemia. The oldest folk dances include only a few steps, holding hands and simple music. They usually refer to weddings, funerals or dances around bonfires. In the 16th and 17th century we can list dances with a wide range of step-variations. Mateník is a characteristic folk dance for Bohemia of the late 17th and 18th century. Bohemian musical sensibility of folk musicians and dancers, is proved in the existence not only of songs in duple and triple meter, but also in melodies with alternating time signatures that accompany the dances known as mateník. Dances such as polonaise, waltz, mazurka, polka are quite popular in the late 18th and 19th century.
Moravia Western Moravia‘s folklore melodies correspond to the Bohemian instrumental type. However, Eastern Moravia differs a lot. There are also huge regional differences. The folklore costumes are rich in ornaments and colours. Texts and music have a greater lyricism and a sharper alternation. The songs and music are full of emotions. Among dances, there is one which is particularly important as it is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The dance is called Verbuňk.
The name of the dance comes from the verb verbovat, which means to recruit soldiers. It is an improvised dance. Young boys danced verbuňk before they were recruited to serve the military service in the 18the century. There are about 6 different regional types of Slovácko verbuňk. It usually consists of three parts; a song at the beginning, followed by slow movements and then by faster dancing parts. Verbuňk Národopisné muzeum Praha