Who Da Man?? 100 people in 100 days #31-40
Henry Clay From Kentucky, a lawyer, politician and skilled orator Called the “Great Compromiser” Ran for president three times and was defeated each time
Abraham Lincoln 16th president of the US Wrote the Emancipation Proclamation and the Gettysburg Address 1st president to be assassinated – by John Wilkes Booth
Patrick Henry Patriot from Virginia Lawyer and brilliant orator Famous for speech ending in “Give me liberty or give me death.”
Frederick Douglass former slave Orator, writer, statesman, & abolitionist produced abolitionist newspaper called “North Star”
Aaron Burr fought in Revolutionary War Vice President under Thomas Jefferson Killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel
Sir Walter Raleigh Explorer, soldier, & writer Known as “Sea Dog” (English Pirate) Convinced Queen to settle Roanoke
Daniel Shays Led a rebellion at the end of the Revolutionary War (called Shays Rebellion) Pointed out weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation Caused the writing of the Constitution
Francisco Pizzaro Spanish explorer & conquistador Conquered Peru and the Incan Empire
James Madison 4th president of the US Father of the Constitution President during war of 1812 when the White House was burned
William Bradford English Separatist Signed the Mayflower Compact and one of the founders of Plymouth 2ND governor of Plymouth – served 30 years