domestic fast transfers IN POLAND BZ WBK S.A. is POLAND’s NO 1 BANK in DOMESTIC fast-payments Domestic Fast-Payments in Poland 350 000 transactions per months for over EUR 200 million 30% of payments are sent from BZWBK !
domestic fast transfers IN POLAND BZ WBK S.A. BlueCash is operated by BlueMedia (commercial company) and is supervised by the National Bank of Poland Transfers are made in PLN, within less than a minute, 24/7/365 Maximum transfer amount ~EUR 5k (PLN 20k) BZ WBK introduced BlueCash in 2015 Patricipation - Banks: 12 (send) / over 50 (receipt) BlueCash transfer fee in BZ WBK: PLN 10 / each transfer (Corporate Tariff) Available: Corpo, SME, individual customer Platform: local e-banking
domestic fast transfers IN POLAND BZ WBK S.A. Express ELIXIR is operated by KIR – the Polish national clearing house, Transfers are made in PLN, within a few seconds, 24/7/365, Low bank participation – 12 banks out of about 50 participating: Alior Bank S.A., Bank BPS S.A., Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., Citi Handlowy, Idea Bank S.A., ING Bank Śląski S.A., mBank, Meritum Bank (Alior Bank S.A.), Millenium Bank S.A., neoBank, Podkarpracki Bank Spółdzielczy, SGB Bank S.A. . Maximum transfer amount: ~EUR 25k (PLN 100k), BZ WBK introduced Express ELIXIR in 2013, 2013-2015: 6 more banks have implemented Express ELIXIR system, Express Elixir fee in BZ WBK: PLN 10 / each payment (Corporate Tariff) Available: Corpo, SME, individual customer Platform: local e-banking