Resurrection Rock Year 4 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Resurrection Rock Year 4 2016

Who is this Jesus? Who is this Jesus? Who can He be? And what was the reason He came? At Christmas we hear of a stable, a birth and call to mind His name. Who is this Jesus? Who can He be? And what was the reason He came? At Easter we hear how He died and then rose and call to mind His name.

Who is this Jesus. Who can He be. And what was the reason He came Who is this Jesus? Who can He be? And what was the reason He came? Lets reflect on His story His words and His deeds and call to mind His name.

Singing Hosanna to the Lord Verse 1 Gather palm leaves, wave them high! See the King on a donkey ride by! See God’s kingdom drawing nigh. Chorus Singing Hosanna to the Lord. (x2) He is the One whom we adore. Singing Hosanna to the Lord.

Verse 2 Blessed be the Holy One! Glory to God’s only Son! Surely now His time has come. Chorus (x2) Singing Hosanna to the Lord. He is the One whom we adore.

Verse 3 (Mary) See the people shout and cheer, Happy that their King is here. Why is my heart filled with fear? Chorus Singing Hosanna to the Lord. He is the One whom we adore.

This is my Body Verse 1 (Jesus) This is my body, this is my blood; Broken and poured out for you. Eat it and drink it, be cleansed from your sin; Remember me each time you do. Repeat (All)

I’m not the man! Chorus: Aren’t you the man we saw with Jesus? You look like one of Jesus’ friends! Peter: I’m not his friend, you can be sure. Go knock on someone else’s door. ‘Cause I’m not the man you’re looking for!

Chorus: Aren’t you the man we saw with Jesus? You look like one of Jesus’ friends! Peter: I’ll say this once and make it plain. Don’t make this accusation again. I don’t even know that person’s name!

Chorus: Aren’t you the man we saw with Jesus? You look like one of Jesus’ friends! Peter: Leave me alone. Please let me be! I’m not your man, as you can see. The third time I tell you - it’s not me!

Crucify him!! Crowd: Crucify him! Crucify him! Crucify him! ‘The King of the Jews’! (repeat) Pilate:What has this man done to you? Maybe what he says is true? What if he really is King of the Jews? The charges against him are few. You tell me – what should I do? I wash my hands of it- I’ll let you choose! Crowd: Oh, Crucify him! Crucify him!

This is my body Jesus: This is my body, this is my blood; Freely I give them to you. Each time you think of me, always recall, What God has done for you.

Jesus Remember me Jesus remember me, when you come into your kingdom

Oh, sweet Jesus Mary: Though you were my child, you were so much more too: The promised One who was God’s Word come true. Now my heart is breaking and my tears overflow. Is there any hope? I do not know.

Chorus: Oh, sweet Jesus. Oh, sweet Jesus. Oh, sweet Jesus. Sweet child of mine. Sweet child of mine.

John : Though you were my friend, you meant even more to me: The Chosen One to set God’s people free. Now my heart is breaking and my tears overflow. Is there any hope? I do not know.

Chorus: Oh, sweet Jesus. Oh, sweet Jesus. Oh, sweet Jesus. Sweet child of mine. Sweet child of mine.

Hallelujah And they sang Hallelujah sang it loud and clear and they sang hallelujah hallelu And they sang Hallelujah for the world to hear and they sang hallelujah hallelu

Ils chantaient Alleluia chantaient pour le monde Ils chantaient Alleluia Allelu Ils chantaient Alleluia une chanson puisante

And they sang Hallelujah sang it loud and clear and they sang hallelujah hallelu And they sang Hallelujah for the world to hear and they sang hallelujah hallelu

Peace Peace be with you- said Lord Jesus Peace be with you- said the Lord Peace be with you- As the Father sent- me- So I am send-ing- you

Resurrection Rock Well my blues are gone, my eyes are dry! My mouth is smiling and I’m telling you why: I have seen the Lord, I have seen His face. And my life is touched by His amazing grace!

Chorus: He’s alive! (I thought I’d never see) The Son of God again.

Well my blues are gone, my heart’s on fire! My feet are dancing to the heavenly choir! I have seen the Lord. I have touched His hand. ‘Gonna spread the word across the whole of this land.

Chorus: He’s alive! (I thought I’d never see) The Son of God again. The Son of God.

Resurrection Rock Now you’ve heard the story of the Resurrection Rock! How they tried to kill the Saviour but He gave them such a shock! Well we used to be downhearted, now we’re rocking round the clock, And the Good Lord is our shepherd, and we all are in His flock.

He’s alive! The Resurrection Rock! He’s alive! (God gave His only Son)(x2) He’s alive! (So we could overcome) He’s alive! (Three cheers, the battle’s won) And that’s the end of the Resurrection Rock! RESURRECTION ROCK!