Wednesday 21st September 2016 International Day of Peace
It is a day to think about making the world a more peaceful place. International day of Peace was created in 1981 by the United Nations (UN), and is celebrated every year on September 21st. It is a day to think about making the world a more peaceful place. Brief introduction to IDP Click here to check out Jesuit Missions’ Monthly Prayer Page – this month’s topic is peace. 2
Listening (to ourselves, to God, to others) What is Peace? Teacher ‘brainstorms’ ideas with students, listens to their responses, discusses them with the group. The above answers are ones suggested by JM and can be introduced to help deepen students responses. They are not ‘compulsory’. Compromise Unselfishness Respect 3
What is peace for Christians? Jesus said: “Love one another, as I have loved you… If you have love for one another, then everyone will know that you are my disciples.” [John13:34-35] Perhaps ask students about the meaning of this quotation and if they can think of a time in Mass when peace is mentioned (The sign of peace). This quotation is planted in the students mind here and later sang or prayed in the ending activity.
Peace Tree To help you ‘increase the peace’ in your life we are going to create a Peace Tree… Introduction of the ‘Peace Tree’ activity. The resource ‘Peace Tree Template’ is to be used by students and can be adapted or modified as desired by the teacher (for example more ‘roots’ and ‘leaves’)
Peace Tree: Part 1 Explain to children that this could be anything in your life, your school community or your local area – whatever they think is preventing peace. Perhaps the teacher can model completing the attached resource to aid students’ ideas. It is important that students come up with some detailed, personalised ideas here – this will add depth to the ‘solutions’ part of the tree (leaves) which will respond to these ‘problems’ (roots). There is a clear example among the resources: ‘Peace Tree Example Primary’. First we begin with the roots. Let’s ask ourselves: ‘What stops peace in my life?’ Write your ideas as the roots of your peace tree.
Peace Tree: Part 2 Now we make the leaves of the tree. The slides that follow this one will help stimulate ideas among students. Now we make the leaves of the tree. Think: ‘How can I bring peace to the world around me?’ To help you, here are some ideas…
How can I bring peace to the world around me? Thinking of and caring for others Trust Peaceful Skills Forgiving others Making friends
How can I bring peace to the world around me? Prayer and Sacraments Anti-bullying Buddying Peace in School Extra-Curricular Activities School Councils
How can I bring peace to the world around me? Outdoor work and care for environment Christmas parcels and shoeboxes for those in need Peace outside School Tea Parties for senior citizens Take part in local parish work (altar serving, events…) Visit local care homes
Peace Tree: Part 2 Now we make the leaves of the tree. The key to this exercise is that whatever ‘is stopping peace in the life’ of students, whatever they have written as ‘roots’ is then reflected in the ‘leaves’ above, responding to or solving the students’ problems and making this a productive reflective task. There should be a clear, forward-looking symmetry to this task. As a whole it is almost an ‘Examen’ of the peace in the lives of students. [The Examen is a reflective prayer made famous by St Ignatius and the Jesuit Order]. Now we make the leaves of the tree. Think: ‘How can I bring peace to the world around me?’ Write your responses as the leaves of your peace tree.
Peace Pledge Turn the branches of your tree into a poster to display on your classroom or bedroom wall. This is your Peace Pledge for this school year! This can be completed at home as homework. It is recommended that students can put their ideas into a succinct list of resolutions of peace for the upcoming academic year. Again, a modelled example by a teacher may be beneficial for some classes.
Prayer of Peace A New Commandment… By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love one for another. By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love one for another. A new commandment I give unto you, That you love one another as I have loved you, That you love one another as I have loved you. Students can end with a prayer by singing along to the attached video
Wednesday 21st September 2016 International Day of Peace Wednesday 21st September 2016