Estonian ICT October, 2009
Information society indicators 100% of schools and government organisations have broadband connection 98% of companies with 10+ employees use Internet 56% of families have computer at home 52% of homes have broadband connection 98% of bank transfers are performed electronically 91% of income tax declarations are made via the e-Tax Board Mobile penetration 124% Four operational 3G networks 1164 free WiFi areas Source: Estonian Ministry of Economical Affairs
ID cards 1,076,059 active ID cards 21,233,351 digital signatures given 35,516,819 electronic authentications made ID ticket system used currently in public transport of Tallinn and Tartu Over 100 thousand users, more than 1 million ID tickets purchased annually
Some achievements 1993: First electronic banking channel – Telehansa 1996: Tiger Leap Foundation to support ICT in schools 2000: Introduction of mobile parking system 2001: Launch the X-Road, a middle-tier data exchange layer enabling government databases to communicate 2001: Look@world starts to build 500 Public Internet Access Points 2002: Start of computer usage courses for 100 000 citizens under Look@world project 2002: Introduction of national electronic ID cards
Some achievements... cont 2003: Launch of the e-government portal 2003: Launch of ID bus ticket 2003: Launch of e-tax Board 2005: e-voting was introduced 2007: Paliament e-elections 2007: Introduction of m-ID 2007: Launch of e-police 2008: e-health
Joining forces – ICT Demo Center
Opened January 29th, 2009
Goals of the Demo Center • To introduce Estonian ICT solutions and promote their implementation both in Estonia and worldwide • To show integration of various e-State solutions with each other and their compatibility with other IT solutions • To establish an environment for integration, testing and productizing various IT solutions • Joint marketing of Estonian ICT solutions worldwide
ICT Democenter principles INTEGRATION All solutions presented in democenter must be integrated in order to show unified IT environment of company/state/municipality/family etc. OPENNESS All IT companies (inc. International players) are welcome to join democenter JOINT USAGE All joined partners have free access to demo center to demonstrate solutions to their customers and partners. All democenter solutions are available to other parters for demonstrating their solutions. POSITIVE ATTITUDE Democenter is a cooperation field not competition field! CONTIBUTION All partners contribute to achieve democenter goals (ant their individual goals through democenter)
Demo Center Members
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