Department of Plant Pathology Texas Cooperative Extension Southern Plant Diagnostic Network (SPDN) Joseph P. Krausz Department of Plant Pathology Texas Cooperative Extension
Five NPDN Regions A Partnership Between CSREES, APHIS, and LGU’s NEPEN Cornell University NCPDN Michigan State University GPPDN Kansas State University National Agricultural Pest Information System NAPIS, Purdue University WPDN University of California, Davis NPDN Founded 6/2002 USDA/Homeland Security SPDN University of Florida Selection by Internal CSREES Process
NPDN Mission Enhance national agricultural security by quickly and accurately detecting and identifying introduced pests and pathogens. Note that, although we were formed in response to 9/11, our mission includes natural or accidental introduction of pests and pathogens, along with intentional introduction.
Success Stories Network/Communications Training and Education Diagnostics
Soybean Rust It’s Here to Stay Joseph P Soybean Rust It’s Here to Stay Joseph P. Krausz Associate Department Head Plant Pathology and Microbiology Texas Cooperative Extension
No Fungicide Fungicide
Soybean Rust Lesions
Reported yield losses. Country Yield loss (%) Australia 60-70 India 66 Historical . Country Yield loss (%) Australia 60-70 India 66 Indonesia 81 Japan 15-40 Philippines 30-80 South China 10-50 Taiwan 12-80 Thailand 10-40 Vietnam 50-100 More Recent Reports Country Yield loss (%) Uganda 40 Zimbabwe 40-60 South Africa 10-80 Nigeria 100 Brazil 10-80 Paraguay 30-80
SPDN Soybean Rust Response Saturday-Sunday: morphological confirmation by digital imaging (Nov 6-7) Monday-Tuesday: molecular confirmation by PCR (Nov 8-9) All states in the southern region: Response plan Participated in SBR exercise First Detectors were trained Communications worked! Diagnosticians were trained
Early Detection of Soybean Rust Southeast Farm Press Soybean Rust Article
Sudden Oak Death 6,848 samples processed as of last of September (more since then) Facilitated obtaining permits for states Identify surge capacity for states Moved supplemental funds for reimbursement National teleconference training for FD’s Master Gardener training
SPDN and Bacterial Wilt
SPDN Web Resources
First Detectors
SPDN Homoptera Workshop December 9-11, 2004 Addressed a definite need in the area of Insect Identification and Taxonomy!
Time for Reflection… Most responsibilities on the diagnostician. Team effort needed, including department chairs, state, federal, industry, and our Entomologists Minimum standards established for clinics
Areas for Improvement Industry buy-in…training required Get funds to states earlier…improved plan Small increase in budget this year Increase training efforts and diagnostics on a shoestring budget.
Thank You