prepared by: Usman Akhtar Report on Wolnet Leading brand WOL prepared by: Usman Akhtar Roll No:07-17 Prepared for: Prof. Imran Malik April 16,2008.
WOL INTRODUCTION Wolnet Which is mainly called Wol Telecom limited Established in 1998, is a leading provider of Internet and data services of Pakistan. Under the well-established brand name of WOL, it delivers dial up Internet, broadband and data access services to consumer and cover the country in more than 350 cities across Pakistan.
WOL INTRODUCTION In June 2007, LINKdotNET successfully acquired and merged WOL TELECOM and DANCOM ONLINE to become the largest Internet & Data Solution provider in Pakistan. LINKdotNET has regional presence in Cairo,Egypt.IT provide DSL,WIMAX & dialup connections and promotes Internet solutions and services.
Our Vision Statement We will provide effective Internet services and solutions to individuals and businesses throughout the Region, so empowering them to pursue and achieve excellence.
Our Mission Statement We will build a leading, profitable, service-oriented organization that consistently delivers innovative solutions and reliable services. And we will create wealth for our employees, our customers, and our shareholders.
WOL Products & Services Subscription Super Speed Scratch Card SMS 4 net Call n Get 0900 Internet service
WOL SUBSCRIPTION WOL offers a long-term relationship with its valued customers through its Subscription packages. WOL subscribers can avail 24 hrs excellent technical support. WOL Dialup guarantees uninterrupted Internet usage along with blazing speed, affordable packages.
WOL SUPEERSPEED WOL SUPER SPEED is web acceleration software for fastest browsing and easy downloads. Now, you can experience Internet speed up to 5 times faster ABSOLUTELY FREE without any additional hardware or extra charges. WOL Super Speed can be used on all WOL dialup accounts and scratch cards. So download WOL Super Speed NOW on your system and accelerate your Internet.
WOL SCRATCH CARD Scratch card is a convenient and promptly available solution for all Internet users who prefer economical and flexible usage. WOL scratch card offers a wide range of Internet scratch cards of different denominations for easy access in cities and towns all across Pakistan.
Tariff Sr # Package Name Hours Rate/hr Timings Expiry 1 10 4 2.50 24 hours 4 Days 2 20 8 2.50 24 hours 8 Days 3 50 25 2.00 24 hours 31 Days 4 100 50 2.00 8 am till 11pm 31 days 11 pm till 8am Night Free 5 300 Unlimited 24 hours 31 days
WOL SMS 4 NET WOL introduces a unique service, SMS4NET with collaboration of Warid Telecom for the first time in Pakistan. Now all Warid post-paid and pre-paid subscribers can conveniently buy WOL Internet hours through a simple SMS anytime, anywhere directly through their Warid accounts.
SMS4NET TARIFF Type WOL in an SMS from your Warid send number to: 1310 & buy 1 Internet hour @ Rs. 10 + Tax 1320 & buy 2 Internet hours @ Rs. 20 + Tax 1350 & buy 5.5 Internet hours @ Rs. 50 + Tax
WOL Call n GET 0900 Internet Service Now Internet is just a call away. For the first time in Pakistan, you can avail Internet Hours over the phone instantly. Simply dial WOL Call'n'Get number 0900-10-222 and get your Internet login and password right away. TARIFF: Rs. 10 per min* * Govt Tax apply
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE It has the largest dialup network in Pakistan in the private sector. First time in Pakistan WOL introduces services like SMS4Net & Call'n'Get to get instant hours. WOL Dialup guarantees uninterrupted Internet usage along with blazing speed, affordable packages.
WOL strategic partner For network infrastructure
WOL competitor External competitor
WOL CORE VALUES Trust the team, trust the dream' is a motto we have at WOL. PASSION:we work passionate about what we do. Quality:It is a way of life;we maintain good quality. Innovation:It sets our pulse; introducing something new.
Reference Iftikhar Ahmad (Technical Incharge) Suit#02,1st floor Trust plaza, L.M.Q Road Multan.