The Hajj © Karen Devine 2008
What is the Hajj? The Hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca that each Muslim is expected to make in their lifetime provided they are physically and economically able to do so. Hajj means “to set out with a definite purpose”. Before engaging in pilgrimage, Muslims should: redress all wrongs pay all debts financially plan for the journey prepare for all the requirements of Hajj. A person who performs the Hajj well, will return to life as a person free of all sin.
What is the Hajj? The pilgrimage takes place in the last month of the Islamic calendar. At the Hajj, Muslims from all over the world unite as one group. They are from all ages, classes and ethnicities. It is an intense expression of Umma for a Muslim. The Hajj is physically demanding and pilgrims must deal with crowds, heat and the physical demands of the pilgrimage rituals themselves.
The Preparation Approaching Mecca (Saudi Arabia) pilgrims bathe and trim their hair. Men put on a white seamless garment. Women wear white dresses with no veils. In dressing in the “uniform” all pilgrims are identical. There are no obvious classes. During the Hajj, pilgrims must not use perfume, carry weapons, or engage in sex. They are in a consecrated state known as Ihram.
The Ka’ba All pilgrims visit the sacred Mosque and walk around the Ka’ba 7 times.
Haja’s Frantic Journey The pilgrims then perform a fast walk or run along a walkway between Safa and Marwa. This reenacts Haja’s frantic search for water over 1400 years ago.
Muhammad’s Stand Against False Idols Next, the pilgrims travel 20 kms to the Plain of Ararat to camp at Mina. Here on the next day between noon and sunset, they will stand and pray. The prayer reminds the worshippers of Muhammad’s stand against false idols. The pilgrims camp overnight at Muzdalifa and collect small rocks for their return to Mina.
The Temptations of the Devil At Mina they throw the stones at 3 pillars representing the devil. The stoning of the devil shows the ability of Abraham to resist the temptations of the devil and obediently follow God.
The Great Feast of Sacrifice The next part of Hajj is a great feast of sacrifice involving the ritual sacrifice of many animals which are then consumed. It commemorates Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his only son, yet God’s ultimate provision of a ram instead.
The Final Stage The final stage of Hajj involves returning to Mecca and circling the Ka’ba 7 times.
Question Time Muslims have differing opinions on the significance of this item. What is it?