Award Winning Customer Service Revolutionizing the Internet Independent ISP Award Winning Customer Service Revolutionizing the Internet
History 1992 Dane Jasper and Scott Doty were tasked with setting up a system to host email for students and faculty for the Santa Rosa Junior College Through doing so realized there was a need for email address’ Started providing email and dial up services to clients Was running business out of moms basement until that wasn’t feasible anymore Freenet, to PAnet (pronounced paynet), to Sonoma Interconnect, and onward 1994 is founded, changed to Sonic. In 2014 Over the past 22 years we have grown to close to 400 employees Today we are breaking ground in broadband technologies by delivering Gigabit fiber to the home for $40 a month
Mission Sonic is the largest independent Internet service provider in Northern California. Call us rebels, but we think every home and business in America should have fast, affordable access to the Internet.
Sonic fully supports net neutrality We are a huge proponent of customer privacy We are against bandwidth caps We are against speed tiers
Net Neutrality noun the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites.
Traffic Shaping (also known as "packet shaping") is a network traffic management technique which delays some or all datagrams to bring them into compliance with a desired traffic profile. Traffic shaping is used to optimize or guarantee performance, improve latency, and/or increase usable bandwidth for some kinds of packets by delaying other kinds.
Net Neutrality Basic Principles No Blocking: If a consumer requests access to a website or service, and the content is legal your ISP should not be permitted to block it. That way every player, not just those commercially affiliated with an ISP, gets a fair shot at your business. No Throttling: Nor should ISPs be able to intentionally slow down some content and speed up others, through a process often called throttling, based on the type of service or your ISPs preferences Increased Transparency: The connection between consumers and ISPs, is not the only place a site might get special treatment so the FCC should make full use of the transparency authorities that were recently upheld in court and if necessary to apply net neutrality rules to points of interconnection between the ISP and the rest of the internet No Paid Prioritization: Simply put, no service should be put in a “slow lane” because it does not pay a fee. That kind of “gatekeeping” would undermine the level playing field essential to the internets growth.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) now defines broadband as of 2015 as a connection speed of 25mbs down and 3mbs up. This has risen from the past FCC definitions of broadband being 4mbs down and 1mbs up in 2010, and a speed of 200kbs nearly two decades ago during the 1996 Telecommunications act era under the Clinton Presidency. broad·band Noun; a high-capacity transmission technique using a wide range of frequencies, which enables a large number of messages to be communicated simultaneously.
No Net Neutrality??
We Care About Privacy
We don’t touch your bits We don’t touch your bits. We don’t modify, we don’t filter, we don’t engage in deep packet inspection. -Dane Jasper The li’l ISP that stood up to the feds -Sfweekly Sonic. Has, on multiple occasions, fought court orders requesting private information logs on it’s customers. Even though it can be very pricey Sonic. continues to fight requests for user log information without any obligation to do so. In one such instance regarding a Wikileaks volunteer, Jacob Appelbaum, Sonic. unfortunately lost the court battle and was forced to hand over logs regarding who Mr. Appelbaum had email correspondence with as far back as our logs went. Due to requests of this nature and to further protect its users privacy Sonic. now only keeps its logs for two weeks before deletion, this is significantly less than most other providers. As an example the last we heard Verizon kept their logs for 18 months before deletion. This is just one of many examples of Sonic. taking steps to ensure its users privacy.
No Limits Internet + Home Phone from $40 per month Unlimited and Uncapped (no speed tiers) Maximum possible speeds we can provide over copper medium
"We invented the internet "We invented the internet. We can do audacious things if we set big goals, and I think our new threshold, frankly, should be 100Mbps. I think anything short of that shortchanges our children, our future, and our new digital economy," -Commissioner Rosenworcel -FCC Gigabit Fiber Right now, we're installing Gigabit Fiber Internet --that's 1000 Mbps-- in neighborhoods all over California. We'd love to bring it to yours and get all of America back on track with the world’s fastest internet. With Gigabit speeds you can access the knowledge on the internet in seconds and we all know knowledge is power.