Ch. 11 Review Study Notebook Pages 27 - 32
Favorite son Candidate who received the backing of his home state rather than that of the national party
J.Q. Adams, Henry Clay & Andrew Jackson Who were the favorite son candidates in the 1824 election?
majority More than half
plurality Largest single share
Jackson In the election of 1824, which candidate received the MOST electoral votes (plurality) AND popular votes – but he did NOT win the election?
mudslinging Attempts to ruin an opponent’s reputation with insults
House of Representatives According to the 12th Amendment, because no candidate received the majority of electoral college votes, the 1824 presidential election was decided by the ?
John Quincy Adams Who won the 1824 presidential election because of a “corrupt bargain?
Nominating convention The system in which delegates from the states selected the party’s presidential candidate (replaced caucuses)
landslide An overwhelming victory
bureaucracy A system in which nonelected officials carry out laws
Spoils system The practice of replacing government employees with the winning candidate’s supporters (“to the victors belong the spoils of war…”)
States’ rights The idea that the states have many rights and powers that are independent of the federal government
Guerrilla (tactics) Type of war tactics in which fighting forces make surprise attacks and then retreat into hiding
Jacksonian Democracy The era of American politics when Andrew Jackson was in charge
relocate To move someone to another place to live
Trail of Tears Route the Cherokees took to Indian Territory after being forced from their land in the East (4,000 died)
Georgia, Oklahoma The Cherokee Trail of Tears began in which state? and ended in which state?
The Supreme Court (John Marshall) Jackson went against ????? when he forcibly removed the Cherokee from their home lands?
Andrew Jackson Which president's popularity with the "common man" changed politics?
Suffrage The right to vote
White men Which American citizens had the right to vote in the elections of 1824 and 1828?
Caucus System where major political candidates are chosen by committee members of Congress
Laissez-faire The government should interfere as little as possible in the nation’s economy
depression A period in which business and employment fall to a very low level
Emigrant Someone who left the United States to go to Oregon country
Annex To take control of a territory
Cede To give up control of a territory
Secede To break away
tariff Fee paid by merchants who imported goods
American Businesses (made in the USA) According to Henry Clay, the protective tariff was put in place in order to support what?
nullify Cancel
Nullification Crisis South Carolina nullified a federal tariff law & threatened to secede from the Union / Jackson threatened to send in troops
Force Bill What law sent the message that the federal government would not allow a state to go its own way without a fight?
Secede from the Union Due to concern over tariffs and belief in states’ rights, some Southerners wanted to?
Jackson Under which president’s administration was the Indian Removal Act passed?
The Indian Removal Act What act did Congress pass in order to relocate Native Americans?
Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw & Seminole What were the Five Civilized Tribes who were relocated to Indian Territory?
Osceola Who was the Seminole leader who went to war against the United States in an effort to keep his nation's land?
Winfield Scott Who, along with federal troops, led the Cherokee west on the Trail of Tears?
veto To reject a bill
He felt ordinary citizens had no control over it (It was run by the wealthy and served the wealthy) Why did Jackson oppose the Bank of the United States?
22nd Amendment Because the ???? Amendment had not been added to the Constitution - - Jackson could have run for a third term – but he chose not to.
Panic of 1837 President Van Buren's belief in the principle of laissez-faire prolonged the ?????
Laborers, small farmers To win the election of 1840, William Henry Harrison needed the support of which Americans. (log cabin campaign)
Log cabin campaign An attempt to show presidential candidate William Henry Harrison as a “man of the people”
President Harrison died of pneumonia (25th) John Tyler became president because? Which Amendment deals with Presidential succession today?
Joint occupation The possession and settling of an area shared by two or more countries
Manifest Destiny The idea that the United States was intended to extend its boundaries to the Pacific Ocean