New Counselor Workshop Diablo Valley College February 3, 2017
Agenda - Introductions Enrollment Priority Steps to Enroll Applications Online Orientation Assessment COUNS-095/Student Planning Additional information InSite Registration Readiness Dashboard Resources Questions?
Enrollment Priority Student Success and Support Programs (3SP) 2017 Fall New non-matriculated = June 6 New matriculated high school graduates = May 13
Applications to Dvc Graduating High School Seniors Open CCC – create account or log into existing account Two Applications! – video Apply for Spring 2017 as “Enrolling in high school and college at the same time” “Special Admit” form is required for enrollment in COUNS- 095 – enrollment must be done in person in the Admissions and Records office Apply for Summer 2017 as “First-time student in college”
Online orientation E-mail with link –, or Access directly via the InSite Portal Available in English or Spanish Must log-in to InSite Authenticates and marks as being completed Allow 45 minutes to complete Can stop and restart Must get at least 7 out of 8 correct responses Can retake as needed
Assessment Photo ID (drivers license, school ID, etc.) DVC Student ID (seven digits – for example, 1234567) Two copies of unofficial HS transcript Multiple Measures (placement based on HS courses completed, grade, GPA) Encouraging high schools to come to us Two testing rooms with all software/updates Ability to test 50 students at once Daily parking permit - $3.00 (meters do not allow for enough time) Practice tests, more policy info:
Couns-095 The Counseling 095, 096 & 097 courses are educational planning courses for new students. The course will cover; educational planning, overview of the higher education system in California, identification of educational and career goals, academic assessment, effective course selection, how to schedule your classes, counseling and advising and campus services. The Educational planning classes are highly recommended for all new students. In the course we will guide the student on selecting courses for hers/his first two semesters. We offer these educational planning sessions beginning in March and go all the way to August.
Counseling Follow-up How can a DVC counselor help me? A DVC counselor can help by providing students with academic, career, and personal counseling. We can help students navigate the complicated process of determining their goals and careers and what they must do to realize those goals. Counselors are not assigned to students, they can see whomever they would like. There are counselors that work with special populations. We highly encourage students to see a counselor in their first semester in order to check in on their progress and then complete a comprehensive educational plan.
Counseling Courses For new students we recommend the following counseling courses: Counseling 120 – Student Success – 3 units UC/CSU This course presents skills and strategies to succeed as a college student. Topics such as motivation and attitudes, time management, decision-making processes, goal-setting, critical thinking skills, study skills and interpersonal communication will be explored. Students will evaluate their own skills and behaviors in relation to these topics and learn strategies to make meaningful choices about their education, career and personal goals. Career 110 – Career and Life Planning- 3 units UC/CSU In this course students will learn research strategies to make effective career and major choices, using a variety of techniques to find, retrieve, and evaluate career planning information. Students will use career assessments, to identify their preferred work values, interests, skills and personality traits. Research will then focus on the exploration of labor market needs, educational and employment requirements, and career ladders within given professions resulting in an effective educational and job search plan. This course will help students develop psychological "soft skills" in the domain of human relations such as interpersonal communication, self-esteem and professional confidence, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and effective collaboration in team-building skills.
Registration readiness dashboard Updates by the next day for each component Updates appointment (if applicable) within four hours of completing all three components
Need help? Contact Welcome Services –, 925-969-2106, First floor of Student Services Center Video with step by step directions for applying – Steps to Enroll Over 20 “How To” guides online and in Welcome Services
Contacts: Stephanie Alves, Registrar Maria Dorado, Counseling Chair Maria Dorado, Counseling Chair Kim Christiana, Outreach/Assessment