What are your thoughts coming into university? UNIVERSITY LIFE: BACKGROUND Among you are students who have come from virtually all walks of life. There are those who have come directly from high school, from abroad, from college, from years of work, and other scenarios. So, there isn’t a one-size fits all approach to giving advice to all students. What are your thoughts coming into university?
UNIVERSITY LIFE: UPGRADE YOUR SKILLS University is a different ball game, and you need to be willing to improve skills that may not have paid much attention to before you entered university. Those skills include: Resourcefulness Time management Note-taking Listening in Lectures Essay writing
TIME MANAGEMENT RULE OF THUMB. STAY PRODUCTIVE. Every hour of class should be followed by 2 hours of prep and 1 hour for assignments. STAY PRODUCTIVE. Making time for other commitments including your family, friends, clubs, hobbies, and passions will make you more productive.
HAVE YOU PICKED ALL YOUR COURSES? COURSES / PROGRAM PROGRAM CHANGES It is common for a student to want to switch out of his/her major or stream. The process of switching is not as daunting as you may have thought HAVE YOU PICKED ALL YOUR COURSES? PROBLEM Solved: http://myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change
TRANSPORTATION YORK TAKES CARE OF YOU DID YOU KNOW? If you don’t have any means of getting home, York Federation of Students (YFS) will provide you the necessary fare to get you home in exchange for your information YORK TAKES CARE OF YOU
FINANCES THREE WORDS: STUDENT FINANCIAL PROFILE (SFP) By filling out the SFP, you gain access to work/study positions on campus, awards, and bursaries.
IMPORTANT DATES ACADEMIC DATES FINANCIAL DATES DID YOU KNOW? Refunds Table: https://sfs.yorku.ca/refunds/tables DID YOU KNOW? The longer you wait to drop your course(s), the less and less money you stand to get reimbursed
YORKU EMAIL HOWEVER, WHY? You can change your primary email to the one you use most often Your YorkU email will be a medium you would ideally check often WHY? You’ll get Important emails (regarding updates on your program, new opportunities, and more) that will show up in your York Email from professors, Vanier College, affiliated department, and Registrar’s office
ATTEND THE PEER MENTOR LEAD MOODLE You’ll be dealing with Moodle for your entire university stint, so it’s important to become acquainted with it as early as possible STILL CONFUSED ABOUT MOODLE? ATTEND THE PEER MENTOR LEAD WORKSHOP
GETTING INVOLVED What can you do? A great way of building your character, experience, and network is to be involved on campus. What can you do? There are 200+ student run organizations on campus that you can be a part of. Those include: Interest specific organizations Department specific organizations College Councils Faculty specific organizations University-wide organizations