Teotihuacan and the Maya Claudia Brittenham, History of Art World History Initiative
Teotihuacan, Late Formative-Early Classic, A.D. 100-600
Figurines, Tlatilco, Early-Middle Formative, 1200-400 B.C.
Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan, Late Formative-Early Classic, A.D. 100-600
Pyramid of the Moon, Teotihuacan, Late Formative-Early Classic, A.D. 100-600
Offerings from Burial 6, Pyramid of the Moon, Teotihuacan, Early Classic, ca. A.D. 300
Great Goddess sculpture, Teotihuacan, ca. A.D. 100-600
Way of the Dead, Teotihuacan, Late Formative-Early Classic, A.D. 100-600
Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent, Teotihuacan, Early Classic, ca. A.D. 200
Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent, Teotihuacan, Early Classic, ca. A.D. 200 White patio, Atetelco apartment compound, Teotihuacan, Late Formative-Early Classic, A.D. 100-600
Shell and tooth necklaces from sacrificial offering, Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent, Teotihuacan, Early Classic, ca. A.D. 200
Great Goddess Mural, Tetitla apartment compound, Teotihuacan, ca. A.D. 300-600
Great goddess paintings, principal patio, Tetitla, Teotihuacan, Late Formative- Early Classic, A.D. 100-600 “Great Goddess,” Teotihuacan, Early Classic, ca. A.D. 100-400
Details of great goddess paintings, Tetitla, Teotihuacan, Late Formative- Early Classic, A.D. 100-600
Reconstruction of “Tlalocan” mural from Tepantitla apartment compound, National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City
Ceramic figurines, Teotihuacan, Late Formative-Early Classic, A.D. 100-400
Ceramic figurines, Teotihuacan, Late Formative-Early Classic, A.D. 300-600
Ceramic figurines, Teotihuacan, Late Formative-Early Classic, A.D. 100-400
Tripod vessels, Teotihuacan, Late Formative-Early Classic, A.D. 100-600
Theater-type incensarios, Teotihuacan, Late Formative- Early Classic, A.D. 100-600
Stone masks, Teotihuacan, Late Formative-Early Classic, A.D. 100-600