Safe Driving Tarek Kassim 5-9-16 2nd hour
Table Of Contents 3-5 6 7 8-9 10 11 12 13-14 15 Driving Tips Directions Inside The Car Drinking And Driving Michigan Laws If In An Accident Freeway Driving Rules For Driving Tips For The Winter Bibliography
Driving Tips Obey the speed limits. Going too fast gives you less time to stop or react. Always wear your seat belt – and make sure all passengers buckle up, too. Adjust your car’s head rest to a height behind your head – not your neck – to minimize whiplash in case you’re in an accident. Make sure your windshield is clean. Hold the steering wheel at either 3 and 9 o’clock on the wheel, or even lower at 4 and 8 o’clock.
Driving Tips Don’t drive like you own the road. Drive like you own the car. Don’t make assumptions about what other drivers are going to do. Watch out for aggressive drivers, and try to stay out of their way. They are the cause of a lot of accidents – especially on freeways. Never pull out in front of anyone or swerve into someone else’s lane. Make sure your car always has gas in it – don’t ride around with the gauge on empty. When light turns green, make sure intersection clears before you go.
Driving Tips Don't allow children to fight or climb around in your car (they should be buckled in their seats at all times). Avoid driving when you're tired. Always use caution when changing lanes. Take extra precautions while driving during deer season.
Distractions Inside The Car Outside object/person/event Adjusting radio/CD Other vehicle occupants Something moving in the car Using another object/device Adjusting car's climate controls Eating/drinking Cellphones
Drinking and Driving Nearly four fatalities every day of the year. 31% of most teen’s deaths are from drinking and driving. The risk of a driver under the influence of alcohol being killed in a vehicle accident is at least eleven times that of drivers without alcohol in their system. Alcohol distorts a person’s perceptions and judgment. People under the influence of alcohol readily admit their reaction time is slower than when not drinking. They take many chances they would never take when sober.
Michigan Laws A flashing yellow arrow which permits a left turn when oncoming traffic is clear. A steady green arrow allows you to turn left. A steady yellow arrow warns that the left-turn signal is about to turn red and you should prepare to stop. A steady red arrow which requires you to stop. You must stop when the light turns yellow.
Michigan Laws Only exception when driving a yellow light is when you are preparing to make a left turn and you are already within the intersection. Transporting or possession of open intoxicants in a vehicle is not permitted. Whenever you are turning, a signal is required. If there is no crosswalk or limit line, before entering the intersection, may make…a left turn from a 1-way or 2-way street into a 1-way roadway. A driver merging onto a freeway must yield to traffic upon the freeway.
If In An Accident Stay at the scene. Leaving can result in additional violations or fines. Call 911 or the police as soon as possible. If you're on a busy highway, stay inside the car and wait for the police or an ambulance. Don't get into an argument or a fight with the other driver. Call your insurance provider to report the claim.
Freeway Driving Stay in the farthest right lane unless you have to pass a slower motorist. Drive in the middle lane when the right lane fills up with slower-moving cars. If someone approaching from behind flashes their headlights at you while you're in the left lane, don't take it as an insult. Some drivers will put on their left blinker as a way to alert left-lane squatters to their approach. A freeway on-ramp is basically a street-legal drag strip.
Rules for Driving Obey all road rules. Seatbelt on and fastened, kids in safety approved car seats. Designated drug or drink free driver. No texting, eating, or cell phone talking while driving. Both hands on the wheel. Report dangerous drivers to 911.
Tips For The Winter Avoid driving while you’re fatigued. Never run a vehicle in an enclosed area, such as a garage. Make certain your tires are properly inflated. Keep your gas tank at least half full. If possible, avoid using your parking brake in cold, rainy and snowy weather.
Tips For The Winter Do not use cruise control when driving on any slippery surface (wet, ice, sand). Always look and steer where you want to go. Use your seat belt every time you get into your vehicle. Don’t over exert yourself if you try to push or dig your vehicle out of the snow. If possible run the engine and heater just long enough to remove the chill and to conserve gasoline.