What types of problems do transportation engineers solve and what are some factors they work to balance? Did anyone travel through an intersection this morning on his or her way to school? Did you feel safe going through the intersection? Why or why not? Did you notice any technologies that helped make the intersection safe?
What is a model? Why do you think you are using a model here?
On what side of the road must vehicles travel? What does the solid, double line mean? What does the dashed line mean? What does the solid, single line across the road mean? If you want to make a right or a left turn at the intersection, what should you do? What does the word “efficient” mean?
Answer the following questions BEFORE watching the simulations. As transportation engineers, what will you watch for in this intersection? Do you have any ideas about how we could measure the efficiency of the intersection? Do you have any ideas about how we could measure the safety of the intersection?
What changes could make this intersection safer and more efficient?
What changes could make this intersection safer and more efficient?
Answer the following questions AFTER conducting the simulation. Compare the amount of time it took to go straight through an intersection and the amount of time it took to make right turns and left turns. How did the times compare? Explain. Was it easier to travel when you were on the main road or the side road? Explain. Was making a right turn on the main road quicker or slower than the other maneuvers? Explain. How could we change the intersection to make it more efficient? How could we change the intersection to make it safer?