Aid Information Management System (AIMS) Presented by:
PRESENTATION OUTLINE Objective Benefit Stakeholders Features Interfaces Technology
About AIMS
OBJECTIVES Capture comprehensive information on development activities and related aid flows of both On and Off Budget as part of transparency initiative of the Govt. Quick and easy access to Development Partners portfolios and project level information on commitments and disbursements. Allow monitoring in what extent external funding is supporting priority sectors, thematic area and geographic locations; thereby foster alignment of foreign aid. Capture planned/future disbursements and therefore increase Govt. ability to predict future external resource envelopes. Generate Aid Effectiveness Indicators On-Budget: Aid flows through Govt. Projects ADP Off-budget: Aid flows through NGO-CSO, most of which govt. is unaware. Transparency Initiative: International commitments with regard to aid information of Paris, Accra, Busan, Mexico: Donors commit to providing regular, transparent, forward-looking and comprehensive information on aid flows Recipient countries are to use this information for comprehensive budget reports to their legislatures and citizens, for accounting and audit Establishing aid information management systems at the country level and strengthen capacities of all relevant stakeholders to make better use of this information in decision-making and promote accountability national commitments with regard to aid information: Under the 2010 Joint Cooperation Strategy and the 2012-2014 JCS action plan, donors and government committed to: strengthening aid transparency and aid information management capacities by developing a suitable IT application to track all aid flows, as well as standardize and harmonize reporting procedures
AIMS serve as a single-entry-window for all aid information BENEFITS AIMS serve as a single-entry-window for all aid information Data reliability, since aid data directly entered by Donors Access of Aid Information to general public Serve as a common data sharing platform, using IATI data registry Increase aid transparency, strengthen accountability Facilitate co-ordination and efficient aid management Standardize and harmonize aid reporting IATI=International Aid Transparency Initiative TRANSPARENCY: AIMS can capture all incoming aid flows in Bangladesh, how they are used and managed. All this information will be publicly accessible online. This will make public oversight over the use of foreign funds considerably easier and allow citizens to access the information they are entitled to. MUTUAL ACCOUNTABILITY: Transparency is an essential pre-condition for accountability. Only when all actors know which aid is being given, can all actors be held accountable for their role in the efficient management of such funds COMPREHENSIVENESS: The AIMS will provide, for the first time, a one-stop-shop for all information related to foreign assistance in Bangladesh, covering all sectors, projects and donors. SMOOTH BUSINESS PROCESSES [The AIMS will help government to perform its mandated functions more effectively and efficiently. Government officials will have quick and easy access to information on aid portfolios of their DP counterparts] ALIGNMENT: The AIMS will allow to monitor how external funding is supporting priorities defined in short, medium and long term national plans and will thereby foster alignment of foreign aid with national priorities. [SOLID PLANNING AND BUDGETTING: ]By having a comprehensive overview of all foreign aid flows, government’s capacity for planning and budgeting will be strengthened. STANDARDIZATION: At the moment, information is collected manually, and off line, while different Wings use different reporting formats. The AIMS will serve as single-entry-window for all aid information and thereby standardize and harmonize aid reporting in the government. RELIABILITY: Since aid data will be directly entered by donors, data entry errors can be minimized, and the data is more suitable for evidence-based dialogue between government, donors and others.
Data Analysis and Report generation STAKEHOLDERS Data Source Development Partner Data Validation Government Data Analysis and Report generation Any interested person, general public, NGO/CSO Primary stakeholders: • Development Partner (DP) • Economic Relations Division (ERD) • Ministry of Finance Secondary stakeholders: • Different Line Ministry • Central Bank • Civil Society Organization (CSO) • NGO Affairs Bureau • Parliamentarians • NGO • Academia • General Public
Foreign Aided Project Information Management FEATURES: MODULES Foreign Aided Project Information Management Effectiveness Indicator IATI Data Import Module Reporting and Notification Management User Access Management
Project Information (900+ Projects). KEY FEATURES Project Information (900+ Projects). Development Partner information (35+ registered DP). Project Cost, Commitment, Planned & Actual Disbursement and Expenditure information. (Total Commitment of 38+ Billion USD, Total Planned Disbursement of 21+ Billion USD and Total Actual Disbursement of 16+ Billion USD since 2000). Sector, Thematic Area and Geographic location wise contribution. Aid effectiveness indicators: Global indicator Notes & Attachments. Integration with IATI data registry to reduce repeated data entry of donors who published data globally. Project basic information includes title, ID, objective, duration, type of assistance [project support, budget support, etc.], implementation status, executing agency information various dates e.g. agreement sign date, project approval date, contact information and so on Project cost, commitment includes budget, Donor information (name, type), Type of funding (grant, loan, etc.), loan related information, currency & exchange rate Planned & actual disbursement, expenditure includes schedule of plan disbursement, information of actual disbursement and expenditure Sectoral indicators, geographic locations includes sector, sub-sector, thematic area and geographic location wise distribution of project cost Aid effectiveness indicators: Global indicator Notes & attachments: ProDoc, Financial Agreement, Mission report, Progress Report, etc can be attached
USER Interfaces of AIMS
Interface: Dashboard
Interface: Searching aid information
Interface: Project Information
Interface: Project Funding Information
Interface: Sector Contribution
Interface: Geographic Contribution
Interface: Aid Effective Indicator
Interface: Dynamic Report Builder
Interface: Charts
Interface: Geo data mapping
Interface: IATI Import Module Dashboard
Interface: IATI Import Module Dashboard
TECHNOLOGY Tools & Technologies Used Technology Front End Html5, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, AngularJS Programming Language C#, ASP.Net MVC Framework and Web API. Reporting Tool Html, Crystal Report, XML, CSV, High Chart Database MS SQL Server, RavenDB Web server IIS
Thank you.