This meteor broke up in Earth’s atmosphere. What would have happened if the meteor had exploded on impact with Earth instead?
‘Meteor Crater’, Arizona, USA.
The crater is: 1,200 m across ‘Meteor Crater’, Arizona, USA.
The crater is: 1,200 m across 170 m deep ‘Meteor Crater’, Arizona, USA.
The crater is: 1,200 m across 170 m deep is surrounded by a rim 45 m higher than the surrounding plains ‘Meteor Crater’, Arizona, USA.
The crater is: 1,200 m across 170 m deep is surrounded by a rim 45 m higher than the surrounding plains has a 240 m wide pile of rubble (peak) in its centre ‘Meteor Crater’, Arizona, USA.
Arizona is tiny compared with other impact craters But Meteor Crater in Arizona is tiny compared with other impact craters in the Solar System. Meteor Crater (1.2 km wide)
Where could we find larger impact craters in the Solar System? Original Caption Released with Image: During its flight, the Galileo spacecraft returned images of the Moon. The Galileo spacecraft took these images on December 7, 1992 on its way to explore the Jupiter system in 1995-97. The distinct bright ray crater at the bottom of the image is the Tycho impact basin. The dark areas are lava rock filled impact basins: Oceanus Procellarum (on the left), Mare Imbrium (center left), Mare Serenitatis and Mare Tranquillitatis (center), and Mare Crisium (near the right edge). This picture contains images through the Violet, 756 nm, 968 nm filters. The color is 'enhanced' in the sense that the CCD camera is sensitive to near infrared wavelengths of light beyond human vision. The Galileo project is managed for NASA's Office of Space Science by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Tycho Crater (85 km wide)
Tycho Crater Ejecta Rays Ejecta Floor Wall Rim Central Peak NASA / LPI This image clearly shows both the central peak and terracing in the walls of Tycho. Tycho is in the lunar highlands, and the terrain surrounding the crater is quite rugged. The crater floor is also fairly hummocky. Multispectral images obtained by the Clementine spacecraft show that the central peak has a different composition than the surrounding material, presumably because the central peak is composed of material that originated at greater depths in the Moon's crust. (Lunar Orbiter image V-125M.) Tycho Crater Tycho Crater, about 85 kilometers across, is clearly visible on our Moon’s surface. The freshness of the crater and the rays of material radiating from it suggest that this is a young crater; there has been little time to erode it. 100 Ma Central Peak
Why do some meteors make larger craters than others? Discuss this is your groups.
Today, we are going to investigate how to create our own meteor impacts.
What questions about the formation of craters would you like to investigate? Discuss this in your science groups.
- SAFETY ISSUES!!!! Craters Investigations. Look at the materials provided How could you investigate your question? Discuss this with your group. On your planning sheet, record: - the materials you will need - the steps you will take - what you will change - what you will keep the same - what you will record - how you could present your results - SAFETY ISSUES!!!!