3rd Annual Private Sector Cooperation Meeting Participation of ITU Sector Members in Arab Region Activities Amman, October 1-2, 2003 Reem Mansour Private Sector Officer ITU/ARO
ITU Regional Activities ITU has been engaged in several regional activities to help members accommodate to the rapid changes of telecom: ITU-D Study Groups Conferences & Events ITU Center of Excellence Pilot Projects Website for private sector members
ITU-D Study Groups Allows sector members to share experience and best practices Reinforces member relationship to form a strong image to resonate in international community
Conferences and Events Share in the development of telecommunication in other sectors such as health, education, gender & economic development. Examples of entities ESCWA, WHO, UNESCO, Arab League and Arab specialized agencies.
ITU Center of Excellence Training in coordination with prominent private sector companies to bridge gap between developed and developing economies in telecom sector. Private sector members are highly encouraged to offer expertise and programs to COE to ensure its success.
Pilot Projects ARO offers a number of pilot projects for development of telecom sector in LDC: Telemedicine in Sudan & Lebanon Wireless internet in Yemen Fundraising, studies and effort of private sector members play a key role in its success Private sector members are expected to help in selecting future pilot projects with the ARO.
New Private Sector Web page Promote & advertise members Updates of international & regional events Encourage activity Members are requested to submit a briefing on the nature of its business to ARO.
Your coordination with ITU is highly encouraged. We trust in your genuine support to every step forward that knocks on the doors of advancement
3rd Annual Private Sector Cooperation Meeting Private Sector Webpage Amman, October 1-2, 2003 Reem Mansour Private Sector Officer ITU/ARO
Status of webpage Still under construction Expected to be launched in 11/03 Developments are taking place to be inline with members expectations
Objectives Inform private sector members with projects and activities of ITU/ARO Promote private sector members and inform them about new comers Provide a detailed database on existing private sector members in the Arab Region Inform private companies with the advantages of becoming an ITU sector member
Structure Background on ITU Information to site visitors (why become a sector member) List of members by location Sector members’ profiles Upcoming Events Past Events Contacts and Focal Points
Detailed Structure Brief background on ITU and groups of private sectors’ interest (linked to ITU site) TDAG WGPS RWP STGs Information to site visitors Advantages of becoming a sector member
Detailed Structure Cont’d List of members by location A map with countries names Within each country you get lists of private sector members Contact information of each member Business nature of each member and links to companies sites
Detailed Structure Cont’d Details of upcoming events The topic & agenda of the meeting Companies hosting the meeting Invitations Registration forms Hotel reservation forms Information note
Detailed Structure Cont’d Details of past events Links to the Arab Regional Office website to every event that took place for the private sector Lists of documents/presentations Lists of participants Contacts and Focal Points Geneva Cairo
What members should do? Provide ARO with a summary describing in brief the nature of their business to post on the page Secure updated information (hyperlink) Visit the webpage to be up to date with what ARO can offer
Your feedback is kindly requested. to help us meet your. expectations Your feedback is kindly requested to help us meet your expectations Thank You
Reem Mansour Email: reem@ituarabic.org Telephone: 00202 2626620