Media Relations in an Emergency Illuminate Training Module with William Dowell, Emergency Media Coordinator CARE International, Geneva
What we will be talking about in this session Do the media really matter? What priority should I give to the press? What should I do first? What do I need to be sure to accomplish?
Do I really need to take time for the media? The evidence shows that public support for emergencies is directly proportional to international media coverage. Without media attention, you may not be able to get the funding you need to respond to the emergency.
How do we deal with emergencies that have a high human cost, but are off the media radar screen? Floods in South Asia took more lives than the 9/11 World Trade Center attack, but barely made it into the headlines.
What do I do first? What needs to be done in an emergency situation? Where do I start? How do I get the media to care?
Step #1 Decide who will be the initial contact for journalists who need to talk to someone in the country office. This person, who will acts as the emergency media coordinator, will be the primary channel for all media calls. He or she is also responsible for guaranteeing a consistency on messaging, and will relieve the strain of having other team members answer a flood of questions.
Step #2 Decide who is authorized to talk for the country office. (Often this is the country director or the emergency response coordinator). Everyone should be clear that only the authorized spokespeople should talk to the press. This avoids sending mixed or confusing signals, and it protects against later embarrassment.
Step #3 Decide what the country office needs to say about the crisis. Write a brief, clear set of talking points Make sure that everyone in the country office, and throughout the organization, knows the messages that you are trying to get out.
Step #4 With the right organization in place, it is time to get the media interested. An email press release lets reporters and news agencies know that you are on the job, and tells them how to get in contact with you.
Step #5 The most powerful way to communicate is in person Invite reporters to a background briefing Offer to brief them in their hotel or office Send regular email updates on what you are doing Keep updating with regular phone contacts
Step #6 If the event--a flood or drought--is not getting attention, focus on the human cost of the emergency. A human interest story focuses on the individual--not the masses.
Step #7 Include photographs People want to see what and whom you are talking about. A story with a photograph has far more chance of being picked up and noticed. Without a photograph, your story is less likely to make the cut.
What do I say to a journalist? A journalist wants an accurate, honest overview of what is happening. Think ahead of what you want the journalist to understand about the crisis. Make three or four main points. Do not get bogged down in detail.
Talking to journalists Do not hide behind a powerpoint presentation. The reporter wants your understanding of the crisis. He or she is looking for context, not statistics.
What if the journalist asks a question you can’t answer? Be honest. Say, “I would rather not answer that question” or “I don’t think that it is wise to talk about that right now.” You can also offer to check out the answer and get back to the reporter.
What is the single best way to get the media interested? Get the reporter into the field, and let him see for himself or herself what it is that you are doing. Seeing a relief operation in action is the best argument of all.
Where can I learn more? Send an email to William Dowell at We will put you in contact with the most relevant sources of information.