Into a New Century Chapter 21
Learning Targets Students will explain the development of technology and the impact these changes had on the United States Students will explain the domestic and foreign policies of President Clinton Students will explain the impeachment process and how that process applied to Clinton Students will be able to explain the Global War on Terror and how it led to war in Iraq and Afghanistan
The Technological Revolution Rise of the Compact Computer ENIAC – world’s first electronic digital computer (1946). Weighed 30 tons / size of a small house 1959 First integrated circuit – complete electronic circuit on a single chip of silicon Area in California where companies produced chips became known as Silicon Valley 1968 Microprocessors invented – combined circuits with memory and computing functions
The Technological Revolution Stephen Wozniak and Steven Jobs produced first practical and affordable personal computer – Apple I IBM competed with the “PC” Apple introduced the MacIntosh using a simple operating system Bill gates co-founded Microsoft which produced PC software By 1990s people could telecommute – work from home via computers Pong Music Video
The Technological Revolution Internet System by which computers could communicate with each other ARPANET – origin of Internet; system linked government agencies and universities for the Department of Defense Internet grew with introduction of hypertext (http) and web browsers New Internet-based businesses were founded called “dot-coms”
The Technological Revolution Breakthroughs in Biotechnology The managing of biological systems to improve human life Made possible by computers 1953 James Watson and Francis Clark deciphered structure of DNA Human Genome Project – mapping of the human DNA
The Clinton Years Raised taxes – cut spending Hillary Clinton Put in charge of healthcare reform Produced complicated plan that failed to generate support Family and Education Medical Leave Act – allowed up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave AmeriCorps Program – put students to work in community service
The Clinton Years Republicans Regain Control of Congress Contract with America – Republicans voted into office promising several changes Many changes defeated in Senate or vetoed by President Budget battle between President and Congress caused shutdown of government – Republicans backed down Passed several laws w/President including Welfare Reform Act Rep. Newt Gingrich – Speaker of the House and author of the Contract with America
The Clinton Years Election of 1996 – Clinton defeated Republican Bob Dole Impeachment Whitewater Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr 1998 Congress impeached Clinton on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice Senate voted 55-45 to acquit on first charge and 50-50 on second charge Two-thirds needed to convict Vote was along party lines
The Clinton Years The Haitian Intervention Haitian President Aristide overthrown Clinton ordered US invasion to restore order Peacekeeping in Bosnia / Kosovo Breakup of Yugoslavia caused war and ethnic cleansing – brutal expulsion of an ethnic group from a certain area UN and NATO intervened to protect citizens NATO bombed Serbia
Rabin, Clinton, and Arafat in the White House Rose Garden The Clinton Years The Middle East Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) leader Yasir Arafat met with Clinton The PLO recognized Israel’s right to exist and Israel recognized the PLO as the legitimate voice of the Palestinian people Attempts to work out an Israeli withdrawal from occupied lands failed Rabin, Clinton, and Arafat in the White House Rose Garden
An Interdependent World US experiencing trade deficits – Americans purchased more from other countries while other countries bought less from US Increasing trade was major US concern North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) – free trade agreement between US, Canada, and Mexico European Union (EU) – free trade bloc between European member nations competed w/US Euro – common currency established by the EU nations
An Interdependent World World Trade Organization (WTO) – administered international trade agreements and settled international trade disputes Nuclear Proliferation The spread of nuclear weapons to new nations US against other nations obtaining nuclear weapons Global Warming An increase in global temperatures over time Some believe caused by CO2 / human activity (anthropogenic) Kyoto Protocol – several nations signed promising to reduce emissions (US did not sign)
America Enters a New Century Election of 2000 Democratic – VP Al Gore Republican – George W. Bush Green Party – Ralph Nader Close vote required recount – electoral votes of Florida needed to win Looking at “chads” Recount not finished by deadline Florida declared Bush winner Vote counter looking at “chads”
America Enters a New Century Bush v. Gore Gore protested recount – Florida Supreme Court began hand recount US Supreme Court ruled hand counts violated equal protection clause Ruling left Bush the winner
America Enters a New Century President Bush Wanted to cut taxes to boost economy (passed) Wanted school vouchers (defeated) Wanted standardized testing in public schools (passed) Wanted increased military spending Wanted to develop anti-missile system called Strategic Defense Initiative Artist’s conception of the Strategic Defense Initiative
A second plane hits the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 The War on Terrorism 9-11 – terrorist attack on World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon, and possibly Washington DC (plane crashed in Pennsylvania field) State-sponsored terrorism – when a government secretly supports terrorists Osama bin Laden & Al-Qaeda Believed superpowers could be beaten Wanted to re-establish the Caliphate Angry that US had troops in Saudi Arabia Believed Western ideas contaminated Islam A second plane hits the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001
The War on Terrorism Terror Attacks 1993 First bombing of the World Trade Center 1995 Bombed US military barracks in Saudi Arabia 1998 Bombed US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania 1999 Attempted to bomb Seattle 2000 Suicide boat attack on USS Cole in Yemen Bomb damage to USS Cole
The War on Terrorism Actions Taken After 9-11 Bush declared national emergency Investigators identified Osama Bin Laden / Al-Qaeda as attackers Began deploying military to Middle East Demanded Taliban in Afghanistan turn over Osama bin Laden Announced US would no longer tolerate states that assisted terror Osama bin Laden
The War on Terrorism Cut terror funding by freezing bank accounts of suspected terrorist groups / supporters Passed Patriot Act – law allowed secret searches, wire-taps, and other electronic eavesdropping Department of Homeland Security established Anthrax attacks on government officials by suspected domestic terrorists
US troops on patrol in Afghanistan The War on Terrorism US supported Afghan rebel group The Northern Alliance US sent troops to Afghanistan after the Taliban collapsed US invoked NATO defense clause – NATO nations participated to varying degrees in Afghanistan US troops fought Taliban and attempted to stabilize Afghan government US troops on patrol in Afghanistan
US troops fighting in Iraq The War on Terrorism 2003 Iraq War Bush afraid AL-Qaeda would acquire / use Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) – weapons that could kill thousands of people in one attack Saddam Hussein, President of Iraq, known to be developing WMD Bush asked for UN Resolution demanding Iraq give up weapons Iraq resisted – US and coalition of other countries invaded Iraq; overthrew Saddam Hussein US troops fighting in Iraq
To The Present Election 0f 2004 Financial Crisis of 2008 George W. Bush – Republican Incumbent John Kerry – Democratic nominee George W. Bush won second term Financial Crisis of 2008 Banks created too much money by making too many loans due to low interest rates Used this money to push up house prices and speculate in financial markets Debts became unpayable Financial crisis created – after crisis banks refused to lend causing economy to shrink Senator John Kerry President George W. Bush
To The Present Election of 2008 Election of 2012 Democratic nominee – Barack Obama Republican nominee – John McCain Obama won election Election of 2012 Democratic incumbent – Barack Obama Republican nominee – Mitt Romney Senator Joe Biden & Senator Barack Obama / Governor Sarah Palin & Senator John McCain
Quiz In what two places did President Clinton send US troops? What trade bloc was established in Europe? What trade agreement was established in North America? What law was passed after 9-11 that infringed upon civil freedoms? Why did the US invade Afghanistan? Why did the US invade Iraq in 2003? What industry experienced a bubble that helped cause the recession of 2008? What new federal department was created after 9-11? In what US state was the election of 2000 contested through the court? What were the two charges against Clinton in his impeachment?