Business Energy Efficiency Programme BESST Update Christopher Atkinson Worcestershire County Council
What is the Business Energy Efficiency Programme? A new European funded programme covering Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Telford & Wrekin which offers: Free reviews & advice Grants to reduce energy usage, costs and carbon Business Support Started October 2016 building on the successful Resource Efficient Worcestershire programme. Aims to help businesses reduce energy costs, improve competitiveness, raise environmental awareness and reduce CO2 emissions.
Who can we help? Small and medium size enterprises: Based in Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Telford & Wrekin Employing less than 250 employees Turnover < 50 million Euros Balance sheet < 43 million Euros Non eligible businesses include retail (primarily serving the public) & agriculture. The programme is primarily aimed at the business to business sector.
BEEP Timeline May 2015 Outline funding bid to DCLG March / April 2016 Internal approval April / May 2016 Planned Start Date June 2016 EU Referendum August 2016 Funding Agreement issued by DCLG September 2016 Contracts in place with partners October 2016 First business receive energy efficiency assessments November 2016 50 businesses registered December 2016 First grant round awards grants to 4 businesses April 2017 100 businesses registered May 2017 Fifth grant round – 38 grant applications so far
Free Energy Assessments An Energy Efficiency Advisor will visit the business’ site to carry out an Energy Assessment which will involve: - A discussion about how the business uses energy - A review of energy bills - A walk-around audit of the site A detailed report to highlight where savings can be made A follow up visit to discuss recommendations and grant funding Target of 280 businesses in Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Telford & Wrekin In the previous Resource Efficient Worcestershire programme recommendations = average annual savings of £8K & 31 CO2 tonnes. Project wide saving = £6.1 million over five years
Businesses Registered Telford & Wrekin Business Registered 22 Completed Energy Efficiency Assessments 19 Number of Key Measures Identified 97 Financial Savings Identified £217,114 Average Energy Bill Savings 34% Greenhouse Gas Savings Identified 942 tonnes Notes: Energy Bills ranging from £3,000 - £400,000 70% business registered = manufacturing or engineering 55% referrals from Telford & Wrekin District Council
Grants £800,000 total grant funding £2,000 – £20,000 40% intervention rate Examples of Activities Lighting Energy control systems Compressed air equipment Process improving equipment Refrigeration Insulation Heating & Boilers Fast Acting Roller Doors Renewables Plus more
Grants Awarded Olpro Ltd (Malvern Hills) awarded £2,600 towards the replacement of metal halide lights to LED tubes and the replacement of plug in electric heaters with limited controls. Patent Ferrule (Redditch) awarded £3,200 towards a variable speed drive compressor. Newtown Packaging Ltd (Redditch) awarded £3,400 towards a fast acting warehouse door and destratification fans. Caplor Energy - (Herefordshire) - £12,200 for an innovative Energy Storage project to capture energy from their solar panels. Kirkfield (Bromsgrove) - £7,500 for a factory heating system and new compressor, which combined will divert 30 tonnes of greenhouse gases and save over £5,000 per year. SCN (Kidderminster) - £15,000 to insulate roof and walls and improve lighting. As well as reducing energy bill by 68% it will make the site much warmer.
TSI Packing Ltd Provide bespoke packing services from Halesfield Industrial Estate, Telford, employing around 20 people. Received a free energy assessment, highlighting £12,000 potential savings. Applied successfully for a grant of £10,408 to install LED lighting and sensors which will save around £7,000 per year and 22 tonnes of CO2e.
Energy Efficiency Events Regular opportunities to share knowledge and discuss best practice First forum held in February at Thorlux in Redditch. “The business benefits of energy efficiency and the application of LED lighting” Conference TBC
Wider & hidden benefits Happier workforce (brighter, warmer) Increased profitability, job creation & safeguarding More engagement in environmental matters Further interest in renewable technologies Competitive advantage (i.e. preferred supplier status) Help implement ISO 14001 Continue on to other grant / business support Helps with social & corporate responsibility Reduced transportation costs By reviewing environmental savings it has encouraged some businesses to review other areas of work for improvements. Behavioural change further savings. Continued investment in local green economy
Summary Free Energy Efficiency Assessments and Grants of up to £20,000 are available to small and medium sized businesses in Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Telford & Wrekin. To register visit Thank you for listening. Christopher Atkinson 01905 843309