Innovative Payment Solutions ITS Conference March 2015 1
Background IntelliCard - the leader of student payment technology in the market We specialise in the payment and administration of student funds IntelliCard is managed and administrated by a team of professionals with specific expertise to suit our client’s needs 2
The Good News Funders sponsor students in the form of Bursaries and Loans 3
The Problem Most Institutions lack the Capacity to Administer student Allowances Accommodation Food Books & Stationery Appliances and assistive devices Cash 4
Is the Answer to this Nightmare is Provided FREE to the UNIVERSITY and to its Students It’s FREE to the Sponsor /University and FREE to its Students 5
The IntelliCard Solution Contracts are signed (Institution, and specified merchants) IntelliCard implements the closed loop system to the merchants of choice (a swipe card machine is installed at merchant outlets) A list of Students and their Allowances are sent to IntelliCard via the ITS Interface This Electronic Data is Loaded onto the IntelliCard Master Server Student registration Cards are empowered as IntelliCards OR IntelliCard Tags (and PIN numbers) are issued OR Students may use their cell phones (and PIN numbers) OR IntelliCards (and PIN numbers) are issued 6
The Sponsor’s Portal Sponsors (like parents) sign up on the website and capture student details, or select a current student Sponsors allocate the funds for various categories We send an email confirmation for payment Sponsors pay the total allowance into IntelliCard’s account IntelliCard activates the allowance on the card. Student registration Cards are empowered as IntelliCards OR IntelliCards (and PIN numbers) are issued OR IntelliCard Tags (and PIN numbers) are issued OR Students may use their cell phones (and PIN numbers) 7
ì Different Categories of Funds Books Fees Food Unlimited Accommodation Cash Unlimited Vouchers Stationery Assistive Devices 8
And Then … Students buy Books, Food, Stationery, Etc much like a debit card transaction The Card is Swiped OR Tapped OR a voucher number is entered on the machine, including the student’s PIN The System checks whether the Student has enough Allowance in the specific category to pay for the Transaction The Machine Produces a Print Out of the Transaction The Student Signs the Print Out IntelliCard Pays the Merchants at the end of week /month In Fact … IntelliCard does ALL OF THE ADMINISTRATION 9
All of this … … REAL TIME 10
Administrative Nightmares …. GONE Innovative Payment Solutions Administrative Nightmares …. GONE Associated Administrative Costs ….. GONE Free to the Institution Free to the Student 11
Benefits to the Sponsors or University Innovative Payment Solutions Benefits to the Sponsors or University IntelliCard offers a Interface which is used at most of the Institutions with their financial accounting IntelliCard offers a more effective loading of student allowances We use the student card – no handing out of extra cards Students pay their own bank cost All parties involved, students the sponsor the merchant and the University has real time access to information on our website and reconciliations are available immediately 12
Highlights for 2015 Integration with Van Schaik Bookstores Integration with Shoprite / Checkers & PnP Website Re-design 13
Thank You Innovative Payment Solutions Thank You 14
The Intelligent Solution 15
The Financial Aid & Scholorship Administrator logs on 19