HOLISTIC MEDICINE- WAY TO THE REAL HEAL Dr. Angelica Cornelia Noica Dumitrescu Medic primar Medicina de Familie
It's our duty as integralist doctors to notice the patient that beside their physical body they have an energetic structure too, but most importantly a spiritual body that they have to take care of. Any physical problem they have must be a warning signal that something in their thoughts or emotions wasn't right.
From the Traditional Chinese Medicine we know that negative emotions such as anger, annoyance, block the energy on "wooden box" that is represented by the liver and gallbladder meridians, this leads to a wrong handling of our discernment and interrelating with God and with our neighbour, trying to pass over his free will, a gift that God gave us.
The positive emotion that could heal these organs and will make the energetic flux to flow as it should through the meridians is THE PATIENS, and from the thoughts point of view, a better correct understanding of things, and more compassion for the others. Iisus said: “MERCY I WANT NOT SACRIFICE”
Also hate/refeelings to one or more persons blocks our energy on Fire Box represented by meridians of Heart, Small intestines, Triple warming and pericardium (vessels/sex), that can lead to health problems of the whole body.
The positive emotion that heals and leads to a better energy flow along this meridians is LOVE, so, as Jesus thought us “Loving of our enemies, of the one that harms us”, is the most releasing energy from the body and makes possible the link with the Creating energy of God,Energy of the Holy Spirit, the most fine and subtil energy of the universe that we receive only if we are in a devoutness state and absolute/ unconditionally love and to the PRAYER.
Concerns/stress blocks our energy on Earth box, represented by Stomach/spleen pancreas meridians which controls just our soft structure but the immunity too, this is why we catch a cold easily or even worse we get diabetes or even cancer.
Our positive energy that we can heal these problems is TRUST in GOD, our CREATOR, OUR FAITH, showed in PRAYS. ( PAN-CREAS= our link with GOD or LACK OF THIS ) Why does God transmit through Jesus :" Your faith healed you.",
or why do you think that He teaches us :" FIRST SEARCH FOR GOD AND THEN YOU WILL GET ALL". Starting all by praying, all our energies will flow as they should through our meridians and all our body will function properly, we will be more efficient, we could help our patients more better without consuming our energy.
Sadness/annoys inhibe the energy on Metal box, represented by Lung and Big intestin meridians and the releasing positive energy is THE JOY. Why do you think Jesus starts His teaching on Happiness Mountain through the 9 HAPPINESS and command us to be joyful. It's true that in life there are sad moments, but we don't have to remain stuck in them.
Other negative energies which this time blocks our Ancestral Energy tank, Vital Energy, are our FEARS and PHOBIES. This bloks the WATER BOX, which is represented by KIDNEY and BLADDER MERIDIANS
RECOVERY of this tanks is done with respect for the DIVINE LAWS of CREATION and LOVE of CREATOR, which helps us to fulfil the others easily. From the HOLLY EUCHARISTISTIC we receive again the ideal human being genetic code, God's human being.
This is why the doctor, if he really wants to help his patients, must be informed or to be formed in all the medical and spiritual domains, but most importantly Acupuncture to help in balancing his energetic body, even in Homeopathy, in order to discover his soft and the mistakes that his doing and to balance him emotionally, but most importantly informing and spiritually open his path to the REAL HEAL.