SOIL CLASIFICATION PURPOSE: To classified the soil into a group according to the soil behavior and physical characteristic TYPE OF CLASSIFICATION: CLASSIFICATION BY VISUAL AASHTO USCS SOIL TESTS ATTERBERG LIMIT SIEVE ANALYSIS…………………. HYDROMETER ANALYSIS…… Grain size
SOIL STRUCTURE 1. The geometric composition of particles 2. Stress inter particles Granular soil ……force inter particles is un-significant….ignored Soil structure of granular soil is the geometric composition of particles Cohesive soil Force inter particles is dominant compare to composition of particles Soil structure of cohesive soil is combination force inter and the geometric composition of particles.
GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS Purpose: This test is performed to determine the percentage of different grain sizes contained within a soil. The mechanical or sieve analysis is performed to determine the distribution of the coarser, larger-sized particles, and the hydrometer method is used to determine the distribution of the finer particles. Standard Reference: ASTM D 422 - Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils
continue Significance: The distribution of different grain sizes affects the engineering properties of soil. Grain size analysis provides the grain size distribution, and it is required in classifying the soil Equipment: Balance, Set of sieves, Cleaning brush, Sieve shaker, Mixer (blender), 152H Hydrometer, Sedimentation cylinder, Control cylinder, Thermometer, Beaker, Timing device.
Sieve Analyses Sieve Analysis gravel sand Fine grained soil
example Total mass = 500 g Mass retained on No. 4 sieve = 9.7 g Quantity passing = Total mass - Mass retained = 500 - 9.7 = 490.3 g The percent retained is calculated as; % retained = Mass retained/Total mass = (9.7/500) X 100 = 1.9 % From this, the % passing = 100 - 1.9 = 98.1 % For the No. 10 sieve: Quantity passing = Mass arriving - Mass retained = 490.3 - 39.5 = 450.8 g % Retained = (39.5/500) X 100 = 7.9 % % Passing = 100 - 1.9 - 7.9 = 90.2 % (Alternatively, use % passing = % Arriving - % Retained For No. 10 sieve = 98.1 - 7.9 = 90.2 %)
Data Analyses 1. Obtain the mass of soil retained on each sieve by subtracting the weight of the empty sieve from the mass of the sieve + retained soil, and record this mass as the weight retained on the data sheet. 2. Calculate the percent retained on each sieve by dividing the weight retained on each sieve by the original sample mass 3. Calculate the percent passing (or percent finer) by starting with 100 percent and subtracting the percent retained on each sieve as a cumulative procedure 4. Make a semilogarithmic plot of grain size vs. percent finer 5. Compute Cc and Cu for the soil
Result of sieve analyses Kerikil Pasir Medium Halus Silt Clay Sieve D Indiv. WT No mm Retained Acc.WT Ret. Finer % No. 4 4,75 0,00 100,00 No. 10 2 No. 20 0,84 11,8 4,81 95,19 No. 40 0,42 92,2 104 42,41 57,59 No. 50 0,3 25,4 129,4 52,77 47,23 No. 80 0,18 66,7 196,1 79,98 20,02 No. 100 0,149 26,9 223 90,95 9,05 No. 200 0,074 16,2 239,2 97,55 2,45 PAN 6 245,2
HYDROMETER silt Clay hydrometer
Combination Result of Sieve Analyses and Hydrometer Test
Hasil percobaan analisa saringan dan hidrimeter
CHARACTERISTIC OF FINE GRAINED SOIL Atterberg Limit Cohesive Soil Base on water content Consistency Limit : Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Shrinkage Limit SL PL LL Water content Volume Solid Plastic Liquid Plasticity Index PI Semi Solid
LIQUID LIMIT (LL) The liquid limit is that moisture content at which a soil changes from the liquid state to the plastic state. It along with the plastic limit provides a means of soil classification as well as being useful in determining other soil properties Two main methods to determine the liquid limit : Cone Pentrometer Method Casagrande Method
Cone Penetrometer Method
SAMPLE PREPARATION : Any coarse particles present need to be removed, by hand or by wet sieving (coarse particles are defined as any particles retained on a 425 micron sieve). Next a representative sample is required weighing around 200g. TESTING PROCEDURES: Release the cone for a period of 5s (plus or minus 1s) if the apparatus is not fitted with an automatic release and locking device take care not to jar the apparatus during the procedure. After 5s the cone should have, to some extent, penetrated the smooth surface of the soil, lock the cone in this new, lower, position and lower the stem of the dial gauge again so that it just comes into contact with the cone shaft, record this new reading to the nearest 0.1mm Take a moisture content sample of about 10g from the cup around the area penetrated by the cone. Repeat the test at least three more times using the same sample of soil - to which further increments of distilled water have been added. Proceeding from the drier state to the wetter. The amount of water added shall be such that a range of penetration values of approximately 15-25mm is covered by four or more test runs and is evenly distributed. RESULT plot the relationship between the moisture content and the corresponding cone penetration recorded on a linear chart, with the percentage moisture content as ordinates on the linear scale and the number of bumps on the opposite scale, From the curve read off the moisture content corresponding to a cone penetration of 20mm to the first decimal place, express this moisture content to the nearest whole number and report it as the liquid limit.
Skema uji batas cair metode Casagrande (a) susunan alat uji batas cair, (b) grooving tool, (c) pasta tanah sebelum pengujan, (d) pasta tanah sesudah pengujian
PLASTIC LIMIT Plastic behaviour The test is done by rolling up the soil sample to 3.2mm diameter Defined as the water content, in percent, at which the soil crumbles, when rolled into threads of 1/8 in (3.2mm) in diameter.
Atterberg Limits (ASTM D 4318) 25 Liquid Limit
SHRINKAGE LIMIT (SL) Test Standard : ASTM D 427 Defined as the moisture content, in percent, at which the volume of soil mass ceases to change WS <<< easy to have volume change
CONSISTENCY RELATIONSHIP Plasticity Index (PI) PI = LL - PL Liquidity Index (LI) Consistency Index (CI)
CONSISTENCY RELATIONSHIP Activity (A) A < 0.75 non-active clay 0.75 A<1.25 normal clay A 1.25 active clay