San Francisco Seniors: Population Trends and Supportive Programs


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Presentation transcript:

San Francisco Seniors: Population Trends and Supportive Programs Shireen McSpadden, Executive Director San Francisco Department of Aging & Adult Services

Population Trends

Senior Population (Age 60+) Has Grown by 18% Since 2000 Source: IPUMS 2000 5% & 2012 3-Year Samples CA Dept. of Finance Projections

Number of Seniors with Low Income Has Increased

San Francisco Senior Population (Age 60+) is Increasingly Asian-Pacific Islander

Gender of Low-Income Seniors Becoming More Equally Male-Female

Minority Groups Overrepresented Among Low Income Female Seniors

Most People Living Alone in Older Age are Female

Retirement Security Women make less money during their working years Median full-time, year-round average ~ 80% of men’s earnings (link) Women receive significantly lower retirement benefits and have less in savings Average SSA retirement 76% of men’s benefits (link) Most caregivers are women – a role that can significantly impact retirement security Caregivers aged 50+ who leave the workforce to care for a parent lose over $300,000 in lifetime income and benefits (link) Women live longer than men Women reaching 65 are expected to live average of two years more than men (link)

DAAS Divisions and Programs

Division: In-Home Supportive Services Client Profile Non-medical in-home care for Medi-Cal clients 62% of clients are female (68% of clients age 75+)

Division: Protective Services Adult Protective Services Most APS senior clients are female (58%)  Increases with age – 66% of APS clients age 85+ are female

Division: Intake & Community-Based Services Office on Aging All Programs: 26,430 clients in FY 14/15 14,466 (55%) female age 60+ Select OOA services: Community Services: 14,004 (62% female) Congregate Meals: 12,387 (59%) Home-Delivered Meals: 4,027 (53%) Case Management: 1,321 (53%) SF Connected: 1,467 (59%) Health Promotion: 876 (84%)

Division: Long-Term Care Operations Community Living Fund Combination of intensive case management & purchase of services/items to prevent unnecessary institutionalization Serves approximately 350 clients/year Initially targeted to Laguna Honda Hospital & Rehabilitation Center Common purchases: Home modifications Assistive devices Non-medical home items Home care for persons ineligible for IHSS Lifeline