Status of the Behavioral Learning Guides Christopher M. Pape J.R. Brooks Attorneys for the Board of Education 7/14/2016
Overview Refresher on General Working of the Behavioral Learning Guides Timeline Examples of Major Changes Planned Professional Development Student/Parent Informational Sessions
The Code of Student Conduct had Rigid Classes of Offenses The Code of Student Conduct had 4 Classes of Offenses: 1, 2, 3, and E Each class had set disciplinary consequences The classes left little room for re-teaching expected behavior Each inappropriate student behavior was assigned to one of the 4 classes This meant that repeating a behavior would always result in the same response The CSC did not have a clear set of progressive disciplinary responses This created some confusion for teachers and administrators
The BLGs Replace Classes of Offense with Levels of Response The BLGs have Levels of Response instead of Classes of Offenses Inappropriate student behaviors are assigned to multiple Response Levels As a student repeats a behavior, the teacher and administrator have a clear set of progressive responses Each Response Level provides a procedure for correcting and reprimanding a student Response Strategies: Techniques for helping a student regain self-control and to end inappropriate behavior Disciplinary Consequences: The sanctions for a student’s failure to meet behavioral expectations Interventions: A measure or series of measures designed to remedy the cause of student’s behavioral issues
There are 5 Different Response Levels Description Day-to-Day Normal classroom responses handled by the teacher. No reporting and minor Disciplinary Consequences Level 1 Classroom responses for repeated or more significant behavior. This behavior has not risen to the level of needing an Office Disciplinary Referral. The teacher administers and documents Level 1 Responses. Level 2 Administrator responses to repeated issues in the classroom or more significant behavior. The maximum consequences is assignment to In-House Learning Center. Teacher completes an ODR to reach this level. Administrator implements and documents Level 2 Responses. Level 3 Administrator responses to repeated Level 2 behavior or more significant behaviors. The maximum consequences is Out-Of-School Suspension. Teacher completes an ODR for these behaviors. Administrator implements and documents Level 3 Responses. Level 4 Administrator responses to the most severe inappropriate behaviors. The maximum consequences is expulsion from school. Teacher completes an ODR to reach this level. Administrator implements and documents Level 4 Responses.
To Support the BLG, District-Level Interventions and Behavioral Learning Software will be in Place for 2016-2017 The BLGs require teachers and administrators to pair Interventions with Disciplinary Consequences The depth of the Intervention increases with the Response Level Level 1 Interventions may be implemented in the classroom by the teacher whereas a Level 3 Intervention may include outside support staff District supporting school staff in two ways: Developing a process for providing schools with District-level support services Providing teachers and principals with software that will help them track Response Strategies, Disciplinary Consequences, and Interventions
After Reviewing and Incorporating the Extensive Feedback, The BLGs are Nearing Completion Public Comment Period: April 20 – May 6 Date Event April 20 Release the BLGs to HCS employees April 21 Board presentation about the BLGs April 22 Release the BLGs to parents/guardians, students, and the public April 26 Presentation to BLG Liaisons (Group 1) April 27 Presentation to BLG Liaisons (Group 2) May 2 Spanish BLG presentation May 3 Public presentation & DAC BLG feedback meeting May 4 May 5 BLG Liaison make-up meeting May 6 Last day for comments
To Facilitate Teacher, Administrator, Student, and Parent Feedback, HCS Received Feedback About the BLGs in a Number of Ways For employees: BLG Liaisons Consent Order Implementation Website E-mail to Dr. Burruss Anonymous drop boxes at schools Hand delivery to Merts Regular Mail Teacher Town Hall Meeting Board Meeting DAC Public Meeting For the community: Consent Order Implementation Website E-mail to Dr. Burruss Anonymous drop boxes at schools Hand delivery to Merts Regular Mail Board Meeting DAC Public Meeting
The District Reviewed All of the Comments and Edited the BLGs in Light of the Comments and Department of Justice’s Feedback Examples of changes resulting from the comments: The BLGs have been reorganized to make it more user-friendly. A parent/student version will be included in the Student Parent Information Guide. The BLG contains a new section that highlights proactive measures that teachers can use for classroom management. There is a new description about the interaction between Response Strategies, Disciplinary Consequences, and Interventions to provide clarity. The BLG explains that it does not apply to accidental behavior. TAB Out clearly explains that receiving teacher must first give permission.
The District Reviewed All of the Comments and Edited the BLGs in Light of the Comments and Department of Justice’s Feedback Examples of changes resulting from the comments: Silent lunch was added as a Disciplinary Consequence. Student-led parent/guardian conferences were added. Added more explanation about Restorative Practices. Controlled substances and illegal drugs have been exempted from the Surrender for Safety provision. Added the following the Behavioral Learning Matrix: Clarified drug and alcohol offenses Clarified bullying offenses New: Being tardy to class New: Taking property off of another student’s person New: Using a cell phone in class is prohibited unless explicit permission is given Clarified sexual misconduct offenses Tweaked the Dress Code to remove reference to inches and instead shifted the focus to whether a student is covered.
The District will Conduct Extensive Professional Development for Administrators and Teachers, and Hold Informational Sessions for Families Date Event June 6 BLG presentation to Secondary Administrators June 8 BLG presentation to Elementary Administrators July 18 BLG Liaison training July 19 BLG Liaison training & High School Principal Roundtable Meeting July 22 Administrator Conference July 27 CSO training July 28-29 Teacher trainings led by school principals Start of School Feeder pattern informational meetings for families