Jalan Imbi Chapel The LORD’S CELEBRATION 14th – 16th April, 2017 Studies on the Levitical Feasts Of the LORD. Lev. 23 Fri. 14 Apr. – The Sheep That Was Slain. Lev. 23:4-8 Sat. 15 Apr. – The Firstfruits That Were Offered In The Feast. Lev. 23:9-14 Sun. 16 Apr. – The Wheat Loaves That Were Waved. Lev. 23:15-22 Sun. 16 Apr. – The Birds that Were Bloodied. Lev. 14:1-9
Death, Burial and Resurrection Easter [?] Celebration. Why Celebration? - The Study of the First Four Feasts/Festivals of the Lord. Lev. 23 The Concept of “Easter” – What it is and what it is not! Acts 12:4 (KJV) Exo. 23:13 Study 1 The Sheep That Was Slain – Lev. 23:4 Or The Feast of Passover, Lev. 23:5 Introduction: The New Beginning for the Feasts of the Lord and the accompanying Sabbaths. Lev. 23:1-3 Proclamation of the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus.
A. THE NECESSARY BACKGROUND 1. The Circumstances of the People - no Celebration of the Lord's Feasts in Egypt! Exo. 5:1 2. The Compromises Proposed by Pharaoh. Exo. a. Conformity with the Place of Worship. Go ye, sacrifice to your God in the land. 8:25 b. Contact maintained in the Passion in Worship: Only ye shall not go very far away: intreat for me. 8:28 c. Children to stay behind while Parents and the People Worship: Your little ones: look to it; for evil is before you. Not so; go now ye that are men and serve the Lord. 10:8-11
2. The Compromises Proposed by Pharaoh. Exo. Condition for release – The Prerequisite for Worship not Provided for. 10:24-26 Go…only let your flocks and your herds be stayed…. Moses said…Our livestock also shall go with us; not a hoof shall be left behind. 3. The Condemnation of Egypt with the 10th Plague.12:13, 14, 29f …at midnight the LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt …and all the firstborn of cattle…there was not a house where there was not one dead. 4. The Commencement of a new beginning with the Passover. 12:1, 2ff; 25-27
5. The Convocations for the Lord’s People. Lev. 23:1-4 Intro. "Convocation" = a Calling together of God's People. "Holy Convocation" => the Character of the Call and Coming together. They were the Lord's Appointed Feasts. v. 2 - (Heb. moed = "set/appointed feasts", RV, NIV) From root word in Exo. 25:22 – And there I will meet with thee.
5. The Convocations for the Lord’s People. Lev. 23:1-4. cf 5. The Convocations for the Lord’s People. Lev. 23:1-4 cf. The Lord’s Passover. Exo. 12:27 a. Observed at the Lord’s Appointed Periods. v. 4 - appointed seasons, RV; appointed times, NIV. b. Observed by the Lord’s Appointed People. v. 4 - which ye (the children of Israel, v. 2) shall proclaim c. Observed under the Lord’s Appointed Procedure. Deut. Ch.16. (No Empty Hands, Head and Heart! 16:16) d. Observed at the Lord’s Appointed Place. 16:16 e. Observed with the Lord’s Appointed Promise. Exo. 34:24
B. THE NEEDED BREAK. 1. The Proclamation and Significance of the Feasts. Lev. 23 a. The Proclamation of the Feasts. 23:1, 2, 4-44 REF. FEASTS OBSERVANCE DURATION REMARKS v. 5 Passover 1st mth. 14th day 1 day 6-8 U. Bread 1st mth. 15th day to 21st 7 days 9-14 Firstfruits 1st mth. Morrow aft. 1st Sabbath 1 day/ in the land. 15 Weeks 3rd mth. Morrow aft. 7th Sabbath 1 day The Interval 3rd mth. to 6th mth. inc. uncertain No feast held 23-25 Trumpets 7th mth. 1st day 1 day New Year's Day. 26-32 Atonement 7th mth. 10th day 1 day cf. Year of Jubilee Lev. 25:9 33-44 Tabernacles 7th mth. 15th day 8 days (7 days + 8th day)
1. The Proclamation and Significance of the Feasts. Lev. 23 a 1. The Proclamation and Significance of the Feasts. Lev. 23 a. The Proclamation of the Feasts The Significance of the Feasts. i. A Periodical Record of the Cycle of holidays for the Jews, e.g. Lev. 23:1 ii. A Personal Record of the Christ. e.g. I Cor. 5:7, 8 Study of Typology: All these things happened unto them typically (tupos). I Cor. 10:11 Scope of the Feasts: A Survey of God’s Panoramic Plan of the Ages from the Cross to the Crown. iii. A Prophetical Record of the Course of Time for Israel (and the Church) until the Coming of Christ. e.g. I Cor. 15:23
1. The Proclamation and Significance of the Feasts. Lev. 23 2. The Place of the Sabbath among the Feasts. Lev. 23:3 The Sabbath of Rest on the 7th day in Creation. Gen. 2:1-3 The Sabbath Rest of the Convocation. i. The Seventh Day Rest - "Ye shall do NO work" 23:3 cf. Exo. 35: 2, 3 and ‘ye shall kindle no fire’ cf. Num. 15:32-36 ii. The `Feast Day' Rest - "Ye shall do no SERVILE work" 23:7 but "ye shall offer an offering made by fire" 23:8
C. THE NEW BEGINNING. 1. The Change in the Calendar. Exo. 12:2 a. Abib (Nisan) - the 7th mth in the Civil Calendar became the 1st mth in the Religious Calendar. Tishri - the 1st mth was the Civil New Year. (The 7th mth in the Religious Calendar.) 2. The Commencement of the Change meant… a. The "Blotting out" of the last 6 months -the old life in Egypt. b. The Beginning of the next 12 months - the new life in Christ. c. The "Base" of the `New Year' - the Passover Lamb. Exo. 12:2, 3 d. The Basis of Communion/Relationship - the Blood of the Lamb. Exo. 25:22; Lev. 16:14
1. The Change in the Calendar. Exo. 12:2 2 1. The Change in the Calendar. Exo. 12:2 2. The Commencement of the Change 3. The Challenge to the Christian. Phil. 3:13, 14 a. To the Backslidden: Blot out the Failures of the Past. b. To the Uncommitted: Begin the Future with the Present. c. To the Faithful: Be pressing Faithfully toward the Prize. How could all these be made Possible? The Passover…! The Sheep That Was Slain.
Study 1. The Sheep That Was Slain – Lev. 23:4-8 Study 1 The Sheep That Was Slain – Lev. 23:4-8 (The Feast of Passover, Lev. 23:5) Intro. THE FEAST OF PASSOVER The Foundation of the Feasts - The Passover. Lev. 23:5 The Followed Order of the Feasts - in their seasons Lev. 23:4
A. The Lord’s Passover (Lamb). as a Type of Christ. Exo. 12 cf. I Cor 1. It is the Lord's Passover (pesah, noun) Exo .12:11 The Passover is the Lord's and of the Lord's. Cf. Gen. 22:7, 8 a. Christ is God's Passover Lamb. Jn.1:29 b. Christ is our Passover Lamb. I Cor. 5:7; I Pet.1:19, 20
1. It is the Lord's Passover (pesah, noun). 12:11 2 1. It is the Lord's Passover (pesah, noun) 12:11 2. It is the Lord's Pass-over (pasah, verb) 12:12 The Pass-Over is of the Lord's doing ("I, the Lord") 12:12, 13, 23, 27 a. The Lord will pass-over to Sentence. 12:12, 23 cf. Acts 17:31 To Execute Sentence. 12:12 cf. 4:22, 23 To Establish Sovereignty: "I am the Lord” 12:12 cf. Phi.2:9-11 b. The Lord will pass-over to Shield. 12:23 c. The Lord will pass-over to Save. 12:13 Isa. 31:5 Thus, as birds flying, so will the LORD of hosts defend Jerusalem; Defending also He will Deliver it; and Passing over He will Preserve it… cf. It is the Lord’s Passover, Exo. 12:11
3. The Lamb Cut off on the 14th day. Exo. 12:6. a. The Time 3. The Lamb Cut off on the 14th day. Exo. 12:6 a. The Time. "in the evening", lit. between two evenings. Exo. 12:6 (mar; Lev. 23:5, 6) b. The Type. Passover Fulfilled in Christ. I Cor. 5: 7 4. The LAMB Crucified on the exact day. a. Jesus to observe the Passover. cf. Lk. 22:1, 7 "when the evening was come" of the 14th day. Mt. 26:17-20 b. Judas went out to betray Jesus. - "It was night“ 26:21-25; Jn. 13:30 c. Jesus apprehended at Gethsemane. - at night. 26:47-56; Mk. 14:30, 32, 43 d. Jesus tried by Sanhedrin, Caiphas, Pilate, Herod, etc. - early hours in the morning: "when the morning was come" Mt. 27:1, 2
4. The LAMB Crucified on the exact day. e. Jesus crucified at Gogoltha. - "in the third hour" (9.00am) Mk.15:25 f. Darkness over the land. - from 6th - 9th hour (12n. to 3pm) 15:33 g. Jesus gave up His Spirit. - "about the 9th hour" (3pm) Mt. 27:45, 46, 50, STILL on the 14th day Thus, the PASSOVER LAMB OF GOD died on the 14th day.
B. THE SACRIFICE OF THE LORD'S PASSOVER AS A TYPE CHRIST'S SACRIFICE A. The Lord’s Passover (Lamb) as a Type of Christ. Exo. 12 cf. I Cor. 5:7 B. THE SACRIFICE OF THE LORD'S PASSOVER AS A TYPE CHRIST'S SACRIFICE Christ is the Passover Sacrificed for us. Exo.12:27; I Cor.5:7 1. Sacrifice must be a lamb. 12:3 Christ is the Lamb of God. Jn.1:29; I Pet.1:18, 19 2. It must be a male of the first year from the sheep or from the goats. 12:5 Thus, it is a Voluntary Offering. Cf. Lev. 22:18-22 As a Voluntary Offering… a. Christ is also the Burnt Offering. Lev.22:18 cf. Heb.10:5-10 b. Christ is also the Peace Offering. Lev.22:21cf. Eph. 2:14-18
1. Sacrifice must be a lamb. Exo. 12:3 2 1. Sacrifice must be a lamb. Exo. 12:3 2. It must be a male of the first year 12:5 3. It must be without blemish. 12:5 cf. I Pet.1:18, 19 a. Christ did no sin. I Pet. 2:22 b. He knew no sin. II Cor. 5:21 c. In Him is no sin. I Jn. 3:5 4. It must be kept under observation from 10th to 14th day. Exo. 12:3, 6 a. Christ tested by God: i) At the Commencement of His Ministry. Mt. 3:16, 17 ii) At the Central part of His Ministry. Mt. 17:5 iii) At the Conclusion of His Ministry. Jn. 12:23, 28
i) "From where hath this Man this wisdom..?" Matt.13:54, 56 a. Christ tested by God: b. Christ tested by Man: i) "From where hath this Man this wisdom..?" Matt.13:54, 56 ii) "Never man spoke like this man." Jn.7:46 iii) "I find in Him no fault at all." Jn.18:38; 19:4, 6 c. Christ tested by Satan: i) "If Thou be the Son of God..." Mt. 4:3, 6 ii) "If Thou be the Son of God..." Mt. 27:40 The thief on the cross: iii) "If Thou be the Christ......." Lk. 23:39 iv) "TRULY, THIS WAS THE SON OF GOD." Mt. 27:54
4. It must be kept under observation 5. It must be killed. 12:6; cf. Lk.22:7 a. In the evening. (lit. = "between the two evenings") i) i.e. between the decline of the sun and sunset, cf. Deut.16:6 between 3.00 - 5.00 o'clock (Josephus) Christ was on the cross between the 6th and 9th hour. (Mt.27:45) ii) i.e. at the time of the daily evening sacrifice. Exo.29:39 Christ died at the time of the evening sacrifice.
5. It must be killed. Exo. 12:6; cf. Lk. 22:7. a. In the evening. (lit 5. It must be killed. Exo. 12:6; cf. Lk.22:7 a. In the evening. (lit. = "between the two evenings") b. It was to be roasted with fire: Exo. 12:8 cf. Lam.1:12, 13 i) Its Head: The Will of Christ. cf. Mt. 26:36-44 ii) Its Legs: The Walk of Christ. cf. Isa. 53:4, 5 iii) Its Inwards: The Heart of Christ. cf. Mt. 27:46 c. Its Blood must be shed. Exo. 12:7 cf. Heb. 9:11-15, 22 i) The Blood was a token (a sign, NIV)..... Of a Substitute Slain; 12:6, 7 Of a Sacrifice Offered; 12:13 Of a Salvation made possible. 12:23 Of a Supper (Feast) to be observed. 12:13, 14, 24
c. Its Blood must be shed. cf. Heb c. Its Blood must be shed. cf. Heb.9:11-15, 22 i) The Blood was a token (a sign, NIV)..... ii) The Blood of Christ....... Propitiated God in Righteousness. Rom. 3:25-26 Justified Us in Righteousness. Rom. 3:24, 25 Sanctified Us to live in Righteousness. Heb.9:11-14 Ratified a new Covenant in Righteousness. Heb.9:15-22 6. Its Bones must not be Broken. 12:46 No Bone of Christ was Broken! Jn.19:32-36
that we may walk in newness of life. Conclusion: Truly, Christ, our Passover was sacrificed for us to enable us to keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread that we may walk in newness of life.
For those interested in… Viewing the Powerpoint Presentation again; Listening to the Study again And/Or Want a full Outline of the Study, Please visit (after Sunday): www.berita-bethel-ung.com Loaves and Fishes Acknowledgement: Many images in this Presentation are sourced from the Internet with the sole intention of illustrating my biblical teaching and not used for any profitable purpose. Note: These images are only illustrations, not necessarily authoritative.