Scholarship Issues Chapter 12


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Presentation transcript:

Scholarship Issues Chapter 12 Nur. 301: Issues and Ethics in Nursing

Scholarship Issues Scholarship Issues face student, teachers, researcher, and clinicians from the moment of inters a nursing program. Deal with: Academic assignment Research data Research with human subject

Academic Honesty Integrity in upholding the principle of veracity and fidelity Integrity implies respect for self and others and personal commitment to principled behavior With integrity: no need for monitoring a person’s behavior Honesty and integrity are key considerations in both academic and clinical situations

Issues of Academic Honesty Plagiarism: taking another’s ideas or work and presenting them as our own. Cheating: dishonesty and deception regarding examinations, projects, or paper. Forgery: include fraud or intentional misrepresentation

Example of plagiarism submitting written, oral, or visual materials such paper, report, speech, or thesis that have been knowing copied or obtained in whole or part from another's work without appropriate acknowledgment Students need to review the Code of Student Conduct of Jordan University of Science & Technology Student Handbook for plagiarism and attendance policy.

Cheating: Receiving help from or giving help to another student during an exam, allowing another to copy our work, or doing work to another student that is to be submitted by student

Forgery: Altering or causing a grade to be altered in an academic record or presenting false data on admission records

Research Issues and Ethics The importance of research It’s one way of documenting the efficacy of nursing practice Both the art and science of nursing are expanded through research. It’s important for unique nursing body of knowledge Provides an organizing framework for nursing practice.

Participation in research: encourage professional growth & present some dilemmas Nurses who work in clinical research settings must be aware of principles for the conduct of research.

Ethical Issues in Research Main focus: protection human rights Guidelines for protection of human rights: Nuremberg Code Declaration of Helsinki Belmont report Beneficence Respect for human dignity Justice Read the ANA guidelines for protection of human rights. Pg. 238

Beneficence and participation in research Protection from harm or discomfort, and balance between the benefits and risks. Researchers need to design and conduct studies to protect individuals from physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, economic and social harm. Balance the risk of harm with anticipated benefits A minimal risk: which is no more than would be expected within routine life activities. If risk is greater than minimal; the researcher’s aim must be to minimize risks while maximizing benefits to participants.

Respect of human dignity & participating in research Full disclosure and self-determination or autonomy Right to self-determination, autonomy of the potential participation in research Insure that participation is voluntary and free from coercion of any type.

Coercion: threat of harm or penalty for not participating in the research or offering excessive rewards for participation Right to self-determination Withdraw at any time without imposed consequences Full disclosure: fully informed of the nature of the study, anticipated risk, benefits, time commitment, expectation, right to refuse

Justice and participation in research Rights to privacy and to fair treatment Right to privacy: When person is the focus of research Familiar with shared information, attitudes, behaviors Privacy is maintained through Anonymity, Confidentiality and informed consent.

Anonymity: if researcher cannot link information with a particular individual Confidentiality: assurance that information provided will not be made public or available to any one else than those involved in research process. Maintained by codes

Justice……….cont The right to fair treatment is related to self-determination; equitable treatment of participants; Affected by many factors: Selecting patient based on the research needs not on the convenience or compromised position of a group of people Equitably distributing the risks and benefits regardless the age, gender, socioeconomic status, race, or ethnic background Honoring any agreements made or benefits promised Treating participants with respect Providing access to research personnel Treating withdrawals or declined without prejudice Debriefings as needed to clarify issues

Informed consent Must includes: Voluntary participation Research purpose Expected commitment Risks and benefits Any invasion of privacy Ways that anonymity and confidentiality will be addressed.

- Additional information when needed - Should be written in common language without jargon - Literacy level - Participant should be mentally and emotionally competent. The codes of federal regulations basic elements of informed consent p241

Vulnerable population Includes : 1. Physically, mentally or emotionally disable 2. Children or elderly 3. Dying, sedated, or unconscious 4. Institutionalized 5. Pregnant women and fetus They have decreased ability to give informed consent→ advocates or guarding have the decision . Protect the person’s rights.

More than protection of human rights Scientific objectivity reporting all data Cooperation recommendation Nobility protection participants from harm Integrity and truthfulness in describe research process Impeccability anonymity and confidentiality Illumination presenting research finding Equitability contribution of others in publication and presentation Forthrightness disclosing funding source Courage publicity clarifying and distortion of research finding made by others

Ethical treatment of data - How the data is handled during the collection and analysis process and how the data is reported ? - Ethical treatment of data implies integrity of research protocols and honesty in reporting finding. Those who involved in research have access to data In qualitative research reporting finding should be accurate . Nurses involved in research are accountable to professional standards for reporting data.

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