I can show multiplying polynomials with the FOIL. OBJECTIVE I can show multiplying polynomials with the FOIL.
F First O Outer I Inner L Last FOIL Method F First O Outer I Inner L Last
MULTIPLYING POLYNOMIALS Binomial X Binomial (x + 4)(x + 7)
F F First
O O Outer
I I Inner
L L Last
Combine Like Terms
MULTIPLYING POLYNOMIALS Binomial X Binomial (x – 6)(x + 5)
F F First
O O Outer
I I Inner
L L Last
Combine Like Terms
You Try!!! (x + 5)(x + 7) 2. (y + 9)(y – 6) 3. (n – 8)(n + 5) 4.(x - 4)(x - 3)
I can show multiplying polynomials with the BOX METHOD. OBJECTIVE I can show multiplying polynomials with the BOX METHOD. 17
MULTIPLYING POLYNOMIALS Binomial X Binomial (x + 2)(x + 4)
BOX Method STEP 1: Draw the BOX
2x2 for a Binomial x Binomial BOX Method 2x2 for a Binomial x Binomial
STEP 2: Place terms on outside BOX Method STEP 2: Place terms on outside
Find the area of each box. BOX Method STEP 3: Multiply Find the area of each box.
STEP 3: Combine Like Terms BOX Method STEP 3: Combine Like Terms
BOX Method
BOX Method STEP 1: Draw the BOX
2x2 for a Binomial x Binomial BOX Method 2x2 for a Binomial x Binomial
STEP 2: Place terms on outside BOX Method STEP 2: Place terms on outside
Find the area of each box. BOX Method STEP 3: Multiply Find the area of each box.
STEP 3: Combine Like Terms BOX Method STEP 3: Combine Like Terms
BOX Method
2x2 for a Binomial x Binomial BOX Method 2x2 for a Binomial x Binomial
MULTIPLYING POLYNOMIALS Binomial X Binomial (a + 4b)(a + 2b)