Tour of the Solar System


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Presentation transcript:

Tour of the Solar System Geojeopardy: Ms. Hammang

10 20 30 40 50 The Solar System The Outer Planets Hodge-podge The Terrestrial Planets The Outer Planets Minor Members Hodge-podge 10 20 30 40 50 Final Jeopardy

These are three Jovian planets. The Solar System- 10 These are three Jovian planets.

The Solar System– 10 answer What are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

This is the theory that describes the formation of our solar system. The Solar System- 20 This is the theory that describes the formation of our solar system.

The Solar System– 20 answer What is the nebular theory?

The Solar System- 30 These are two of the three major differences between the Jovian and terrestrial planets

The Solar System– 30 answer What are density, size, chemical makeup, rate of rotation, number of moons?

Solar System - 40 These are the four terrestrial planets (in order from distance from sun)

The Solar System- 40 answer What are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars?

The Solar System- 50 Because of the high temperatures near the sun, the inner planets formed mainly from these substance.

The Solar System- 50 answer What are metals and silicate minerals?

The Terrestrial Planets - 10 This terrestrial planet has the largest temperature extremes of any planet

The Terrestrial Planets - 10 answer What is Mercury?

The Terrestrial Planets - 20 This is the major reason why life as we know it is unlikely to exist on Venus.

The Terrestrial Planets– 20 answer What is the surface temperature is too high (because its atmosphere creates “a greenhouse” to keep temperatures high)?

The Terrestrial Planets - 30 This is the probable reason that Mars appears to change colors when viewed from Earth.

The Terrestrial Planets– 30 answer What is Extreme dust storms lasting for weeks cause the atmosphere to change color?

The Terrestrial Planets - 40 This is the comparison in size between Mars’s largest volcano and Earth’s tallest mountain

The Terrestrial Planets– 40 answer What is Olympus Mons is about 2.5 times larger than Mount Everest?

The Terrestrial Planets - 50 This is the gas that makes up the majority of the Martian atmosphere.

The Terrestrial Planets– 50 answer What is carbon dioxide?

The Outer Planets - 10 This planet is 2.5 times more massive than all the other planets and moons in the solar system combined.

The Outer Planets – 10 answer What is Jupiter?

This is the number of Jovian planet(s) with ring systems. The Outer Planets - 20 This is the number of Jovian planet(s) with ring systems.

The Outer Planets – 20 answer What is four: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

The Outer Planets - 30 The planet, _______, appears blue because of the __________that makes up its upper cloud layer.

The Outer Planets – 30 answer What is Neptune and methane?

The Outer Planets - 40 This planet has an axis of rotation parallel with the plane of its orbit.

The Outer Planets – 40 answer What is Uranus?

The Outer Planets - 50 This moon (belonging to a Jovian planet) is one of only three volcanically active bodies in the solar system.

Th Outer Planets – 50 answer What is Io (Jupiter’s moon)?

Solar System Minor Members - 10 The glowing head of a comet formed when frozen gases vaporize

Minor Members– 10 answer What is the coma?

Minor Members - 20 A ________is a meteoroid that enters Earth’s atmosphere and burns up, whereas a ___________is a meteoroid that reaches Earth’s surface.

What is meteor and meteorite? Minor Members– 20 answer What is meteor and meteorite?

Minor Members - 30 Most asteroids lie between the orbits of these two planets in the “Asteroid Belt.”

What is Mars and Jupiter? Minor Members– 30 answer What is Mars and Jupiter?

Minor Members - 40 This is a comet-rich area of our solar system that begins near the orbit of Neptune and continues beyond Pluto

Solar System Minor Members – 40 answer What is the Kuiper Belt?

Solar System Minor Members- 50 This is the origin of large craters on Earth such as the Meteor Crater in Arizona.

What is large meteorites that hit Earth’s surface? Minor Members – 50 answer What is large meteorites that hit Earth’s surface?

Hodgepodge – 10 Comets with long orbital periods are distributed in all directions from the sun and form this spherical shell around the solar system.

Hodgepodge – 10 answer What is the Oort Cloud?

Hodgepodge – 20 Since its discovery in 1930, _______has not even completed one revolution, and its orbit is eccentric where it travels inside the orbit of _______at times.

What is Pluto and Neptune? Hodgepodge – 20 answer What is Pluto and Neptune?

Titan and Triton are the only moons in the solar system with: Hodgepodge – 30 Titan and Triton are the only moons in the solar system with:

What are significant atmospheres? Hodgepodge – 30 answer What are significant atmospheres?

Hodgepodge – 40 Jupiter is thought to be a gigantic ocean of liquid ________, and its atmosphere is composed of _____ and ____(the lightest elements).

What is hydrogen and hydrogen-helium? Hodgepodge – 40 answer What is hydrogen and hydrogen-helium?

Hodgepodge – 50 When we completed the “Scale Model of the Solar System Lab,” the distance from Sun to Earth was ___AU, whereas the Jupiter distance was ___AU and Neptune’s was ___AU (1 AU=150 million km) *get two correct

What is: Earth (1 AU) Jupiter (about 5 AU) Neptune (about 30 AU)? Hodgepodge – 50 answer What is: Earth (1 AU) Jupiter (about 5 AU) Neptune (about 30 AU)?

Final Jeopardy Which bodies in our solar system are the following structures associated? A. Charon B. Ganymede C. Red Spot D. Polar Caps (made of CO2 and H2O)

Final Jeopardy Answer A. Charon: Pluto B. Ganymede: Saturn C. Red Spot: Jupiter D. Polar Caps (made of CO2 and H2O): Mars