23 Broad Patterns of Evolution
PALEONTOLOGY Paleontology: The branch of biology that reconstructs evolutionary history by collecting and evaluating fossils Fossils: preserved remains or impressions left by organisms from the past The fossil record shows evidence of macroevolution, broad changes above the species level; for example: The emergence of terrestrial vertebrates The impact of mass extinctions The origin of flight in birds
Fossils Fossils are the remains of once-living organisms, preserved through time in sedimentary rocks. Fossils only preserve the mineral-rich hard parts of an organism
Formation of the Fossil Record In order for an organism to be fossilized, it must first be buried, after which sediments accumulate over time and harden. Erosion of the Grand Canyon has exposed layers of sedimentary rock and a record of Earth’s history. Most fossils preserve the hard parts of organisms, those features that resist decay after death. But for organisms that do not have hard parts, there is not much of a fossil record.
Trace & Molecular Fossils Tracks, footprint, and trails Molecular fossils: DNA, proteins, lipids Organisms that lack hard parts can leave a fossil record in two other, distinctive ways: Trace fossils: tracks and trails Molecular fossils: DNA, proteins, lipids
Iguandontid Footprints Found in 1992 at Dinosaur Ridge, Colorado © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Burgess Shale Preserved the deep seafloor of 505 mya In rare circumstances, fossils can be preserved in unexpected quality. Here, a sedimentary rock formation called the Burgess Shale preserved the deep seafloor of 505 million years ago. Preserved the deep seafloor of 505 mya
Coccosteus cuspidatus 400 Figure 23.3-s8 1 m 100 mya Rhomaleosaurus victor 175 200 0.5 m Dimetrodon 270 Tiktaalik 300 4.5 cm 375 Coccosteus cuspidatus 400 1 cm Hallucigenia Figure 23.3-s8 Documenting the history of life (step 8) 500 2.5 cm 510 Dickinsonia costata 560 Stromatolites 600 1,500 Stromatolite cross section 3,500 Tappania © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
The Fossil Record Sedimentary rocks: layers solidified soil called strata and are the richest source of fossils The fossil record indicates that there have been great changes in the kinds of organisms on Earth at different points in time The fossil record is biased in favor of species that Existed for a long time Were abundant and widespread Had mineral-rich hard parts © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. 9
Geologic Timescale Relative dating: The order in which fossils appear in strata (layers) of sedimentary rock indicates relative age of fossil Lower fossils: older Higher fossils: more recent Compare to index fossil…shells of marine organisms Fossils record the evolution of life on Earth. Geologists recognized that groups of fossils change systematically from the bottom of a sedimentary rock formation to its top. It became clear that certain fossils always occur in layers that lie beneath, and so are older than, layers that contain other species. From this pattern, geologists mapped out the series of time divisions that mark Earth’s long history in the geologic timescale.
Radioactive Decay Absolute dating: Uses radioactive isotopes to give the age of fossil, with <10% error, in wood and bones Compare half-life of isotope in living organism to ratio of same isotopes in fossil Half-life: number of years for half (50%) of the original sample to decay While the layers of fossils in sedimentary rocks can tell us that some rocks are older than others, they themselves cannot provide an absolute age. Calibration of the timescale became possible with the discovery of radioactive decay. Archaeologists commonly use the radioactive decay of an isotope of carbon to date wood and bone. Cosmic radiation generates carbon-14 in the atmosphere. Through photosynthesis, carbon dioxide that is composed of carbon-14 is incorporated into wood, and animals also incorporate carbon-14 in their tissues when they eat plant material. After death, the unstable carbon-14 begins to break down, losing an electron to form nitrogen-14 (which is a stable isotope of nitrogen). Laboratory measurements have indicated that half of the carbon-14 in a sample will decay to nitrogen in 5730 years (carbon-14’s half-life). Because carbon-14 has a short half-life, it is only useful in dating materials younger than 50,000 to 60,000 years. Archeologists generally date older samples by looking at the radioactive decay of uranium or lead.
Radiocarbon dating can be used to date fossils up to 75,000 years old Figure 23.4 Radiocarbon dating can be used to date fossils up to 75,000 years old Fraction of parent isotope remaining Accumulating “daughter” isotope 1 2 Remaining “parent” isotope 1 4 1 8 1 16 Figure 23.4 Radiometric dating 1 2 3 4 Time (half-lives) For older fossils, some isotopes can be used to date volcanic rock layers above and below the fossil © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Fossils Frame the Geologic Record The geologic record is a standard time scale dividing Earth’s history into 4 Eons (the Hadean, Archaean, Proterozoic, and Phanerozoic) Origin of the earth: 4.6 bya First prokaryotic cell: 3.5 bya; stromatolite fossils Origin of Eukaryotes: 2 bya The Phanerozoic eon encompasses most of the time that animals have existed on Earth It is divided into 3 eras: the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic (current time) Eras Major boundaries between geological divisions correspond to extinction events in the fossil record © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. 13
Table 23.1 The geologic record © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Paleozoic & Mesozoic Eras Paleozoic era: age of ancient eukaryotic life Cambrian period: 544-505 mya; Cambrian explosion= sudden increase in diversity of many animal phyla Permian period: 286-245 mya; Permian extinction= mass extinction of many marine and terrestrial organisms Mesozoic era: age of reptiles Jurassic period: dinosaurs abundant/diverse; NOTE: dinosaurs existed for 200 million years! Cretaceous period: 144-65 mya; Cretaceous extinction= many groups of organisms became extinct, including dinosaurs
Cenozoic Era Cenozoic era: age of mammals (newest era) Paleocene epoch: 65-54 mya; mammals flourished Pliocene epoch: 5-1.8 mya; ape-like ancestors of humans appear; Australopithicus africanus Pleistocene epoch: 1.8 million -10,000 years ago; Ice ages; human-like hominids appear; Homo erectus. Homo Neanderthal Holocene epoch: 10,000 years to present age; age of Homo sapiens
BIOGEOGRAPHY Biogeography: Geographical distribution of species Continental drift: drifting of continents Results from movement of plates of crust/upper mantle that float on Earth’s molten core Called “plate tectonics” Where 2 plates meet, many important geological phenomena occur; i.e. earthquakes, volcanoes
Plate Tectonics At 3 points in time, the landmasses of Earth have formed a supercontinent: 1.1 billion, 600 million, and 250 million years ago According to the theory of plate tectonics, Earth’s crust is composed of plates floating on Earth’s mantle Crust Mantle Outer core Inner core © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. 18
Figure 23.8 Tectonic Plates North American Plate Eurasian Plate Caribbean Plate Philippine Plate Juan de Fuca Plate Arabian Plate Indian Plate Cocos Plate South American Plate Pacific Plate Nazca Plate African Plate Australian Plate Figure 23.8 Earth’s major tectonic plates Antarctic Plate Tectonic plates move slowly through the process of continental drift (movement of continents); Oceanic and continental plates can separate, slide past each other, or collide Interactions at plate boundaries cause the formation of mountains and islands and earthquakes Scotia Plate © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Pangaea Formation of Pangea……”all land” Occurred at end of Paleozoic era (250 mya) Supercontinent Had tremendous environmental impact…..possibly Permian extinction? The Earth we experience today is unlike any previous state of the planet, in terms of the location and sizes of its continents, ocean chemistry and atmospheric composition. Today, for example, the continents are distributed widely over the planet’s surface, but 290 million years ago they were clustered in a supercontinent called Pangaea. Oxygen gas permeates most surface environments of Earth today, but 3 billion years ago, there was no O2 anywhere. And, just 20,000 years ago, 2 km of glacial ice stood where Boston lies today. Sedimentary rocks record the changing state of Earth’s surface over billions of years and show that life and environment have changed together through time, each influencing the other. A deepening of ocean basins A reduction in shallow water habitat A colder and drier climate inland
Present Collision of India with 45 mya Eurasia Cenozoic Present-day Figure 23.9 Present Collision of India with Eurasia 45 mya Cenozoic North America Eurasia 66 mya Africa Present-day continents South India America Madagascar Australia Antarctica Laurasia Laurasia and Gondwana landmasses 135 mya Mesozoic Gondwana Figure 23.9 The history of continental drift during the Phanerozoic eon 252 mya Pangaea The supercontinent Pangaea Paleozoic © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
BREAKUP OF PANGEA Occurred during Mesozoic era (180 mya) Pangea broke into northern (Laurasia) and southern (Gondwana) land masses About 65 mya S. America split from Africa; India moved north; Australia split from Antarctica; Laurasia split into N. America and Eurasia The final split occurred in the Cenozoic era between North America and Eurasia, which led to present distribution of continents
Phylogeny and Fossils Together Phylogeny makes use of living organisms, while the fossil record supplies absolute dates and environmental context. Data from phylogeny and fossils are often used together and show strong evidence for evolution. Phylogeny and fossils provide independent and corroborating evidence of evolution.
Concept 23.2: The rise and fall of groups of organisms reflect differences in speciation and extinction rates The history of life on Earth has seen the rise and fall of many groups of organisms The rise and fall of groups depend on speciation and extinction rates within the group © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. 24
† Lineage A † † † † Common ancestor of lineages A and B Lineage B † 4 Figure 23.6 † Lineage A † † † † Common ancestor of lineages A and B Lineage B † Figure 23.6 How speciation and extinction affect diversity 4 3 2 1 Millions of years ago © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Mass Extinctions The history of life is characterized by rare mass extinctions. There have been 5 major mass extinctions over the past 500 my, including: Permian Extinction: 250 mya Eliminated >90% marine life Cretaceous Extinction: 65 mya Dinosaurs became extinct Impact Hypothesis: an asteroid or comet struck Earth while extinction was already in progress Rare mass extinctions have altered the course of evolution. Extinctions eliminate many previously important groups of species, but they open up new possibilities for evolution. The mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous Period eliminated dinosaurs (except birds) and made way for the age of mammals. The most devastating mass extinction occurred 252 million years ago, at the end of the Permian Period. More than 90% of all genera recorded in late Permian oceans disappeared. Afterward, new populations of mollusks, new forms of coral, and other animals we see today rose to prominence.
The “Big Five” Mass Extinction Events Figure 23.11 The “Big Five” Mass Extinction Events 1,100 25 1,000 900 Number of extant families: (families per million years): Total extinction rate 20 800 700 15 600 500 10 400 300 5 200 Figure 23.11 Mass extinction and the diversity of life 100 Era Period Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic Q C O S D C P Tr J C P N 541 485 443 419 359 299 252 201 145 66 In each of the five mass extinction events, 50% or more of marine species became extinct Time (mya) © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
50 Predator genera (%) 40 Permian mass extinction Cretaceous Figure 23.14 50 Predator genera (%) 40 Permian mass extinction Cretaceous mass extinction 30 20 10 Figure 23.14 Mass extinctions and ecology Era Period Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic C O S D C P Tr J C P N 541 485 443 419 359 299 252 201 145 66 Q Time (mya) © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Caused the extinction of about 96% of marine animal species The Permian extinction defines the boundary between the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras 252 mya Caused the extinction of about 96% of marine animal species A number of factors might have contributed to the Permian mass extinction Intense volcanism in what is now Siberia Global warming resulting from the emission of large amounts of CO2 from the volcanoes Ocean acidification reducing the availability of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) for reef and shell building organisms Reduced oxygen and a corresponding increase in hydrogen sulfide (H2S) producing anaerobic bacteria © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. 29
The Cretaceous mass extinction 66 mya :separates the Mesozoic from the Cenozoic More than 50% of all marine species went extinct, as well as many terrestrial plants and animals, including most dinosaurs The presence of iridium in sedimentary rocks suggests a meteorite impact about 66 million years ago Dust clouds caused by the impact would have blocked sunlight and disturbed global climate The Chicxulub crater off the coast of Mexico is evidence of a meteorite collision that dates to the same time © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. 30
Figure 23.12 Trauma for Cretaceous life NORTH AMERICA Chicxulub crater Yucatán Peninsula Figure 23.12 Trauma for Cretaceous life © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Is a Sixth Mass Extinction Under Way? Scientists estimate that the current rate of extinction is 100 to 1,000 times the typical background rate Extinction rates tend to increase when global temperatures increase Data suggest that a sixth, human-caused mass extinction is likely to occur unless dramatic action is taken 2014 Book by Elizabeth Kolbert called The Sixth Extinction © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. 32
Relative extinction rate of marine animal genera 2 Figure 23.13 3 Mass extinctions Relative extinction rate of marine animal genera 2 1 Figure 23.13 Fossil extinctions and temperature -1 -2 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 Cooler Warmer Relative temperature © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Consequences of Mass Extinctions Mass extinction can alter ecological communities and the niches available to organisms It can take 5–100 million years for diversity to recover following a mass extinction The type of organisms residing in a community can change with mass extinction For example, the percentage of marine predators increased after the Permian and Cretaceous mass extinctions Mass extinction can pave the way for adaptive radiations © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. 34
Adaptive Radiation Adaptive radiation: the evolution of many diversely adapted species from a common ancestor (“spreading out”) Adaptive radiations may follow Mass extinctions The evolution of novel characteristics The colonization of new regions Mammals underwent an adaptive radiation after the extinction of terrestrial dinosaurs The disappearance of dinosaurs (except birds) allowed for the expansion of mammals in diversity and size © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. 35
Adaptive Radiation in Mammals Figure 23.15 Adaptive Radiation in Mammals Ancestral mammal Monotremes (5 species) ANCESTRAL CYNODONT Marsupials (324 species) Eutherians (5,010 species) Figure 23.15 Adaptive radiation of mammals 250 200 150 100 50 Time (millions of years ago) © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Adaptive Radiation The tarweed Carlquistia muirii Dubautia laxa Figure 23.16 The tarweed Carlquistia muirii KAUAI 5.1 million years MOLOKAI 1.3 million years Dubautia laxa OAHU 3.7 million years Argyroxiphium sandwicense LANAI MAUI N HAWAII 0.4 million years Figure 23.16 Adaptive radiation on the Hawaiian Islands Dubautia waialealae Dubautia scabra Dubautia linearis Adaptive Radiation © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Concept 23.3: Major changes in body form can result from changes in the sequences and regulation of developmental genes Heterochrony is an evolutionary change in the rate or timing of developmental events It can have a significant impact on body shape For example, the contrasting shapes of human and chimpanzee skulls are the result of small changes in relative growth rates © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. 38
Heterochrony Chimpanzee infant Chimpanzee adult Chimpanzee fetus Figure 23.17 Heterochrony Chimpanzee infant Chimpanzee adult Figure 23.17 Relative skull growth rates Chimpanzee fetus Chimpanzee adult Human fetus Human adult © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Heterochrony Another example of heterochrony can be seen in the skeletal structure of bat wings, which resulted from increased growth rates of the finger bones © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. 40
Figure 23.19 Paedomorphosis: adults of some species keep features that were juvenile in ancestors Gills Figure 23.19 Paedomorphosis Axolotl—an aquatic species that becomes a sexually mature adults while keeping tadpole characteristics (gills) © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc.
Changes in Spatial Pattern Substantial evolutionary change can also result from alterations in genes that control the spatial organization of body parts Homeotic genes determine such basic features as where wings and legs will develop on a bird or how a flower’s parts are arranged Called Hox genes Hox genes are a class of homeotic genes that provide positional information during animal development If Hox genes are expressed in the wrong location, body parts can be produced in the wrong location For example, in crustaceans, a swimming appendage can be produced in place of a feeding appendage © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. 42
Concept 23.4: Evolution is not goal oriented Evolution is like tinkering—it is a process in which new forms arise by the slight modification of existing forms Most novel biological structures evolve in many stages from previously existing structures For example, complex eyes have evolved from simple photosensitive cells independently many times © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. 43
Exaptations Exaptations are structures that evolve in one context but become borrowed for a different function Bats’ wings evolved fro flight; but they can now use it to walk The concept of exaptation does not imply that structures evolve in anticipation of future use Natural selection can only improve a structure in the context of its current utility © 2016 Pearson Education, Inc. 44