Diary of Anne Frank Play 2011-2012
Theme and Symbol Theme: Symbol:
Themes and Symbols Make a chart: Symbol What the Symbol Represents
Elements of Drama Drama: Literary composition involving conflict, a crisis and atmosphere designed to be acted by players on a stage before an audience. Tragedy - involves the ruin of the leading characters. Comedy-is lighter drama in which the leading characters overcome the difficulties which temporarily beset them
Drama vs. Literature The story is told completely through the words - called dialogue - and the actions of the characters. Main Character = protagonist “Villain” - antagonist Characters can be flat or round.
Elements of Drama Crisis - people in the play are in jeopardy: life, love, happiness, belief in self, anything that is precious to them is at stake.
Elements of Drama The crisis may arise because the characters want something which puts them in conflict with someone else or with themselves.
Elements of Drama Most plays are about change, changes in the characters and changes in relationships. These changes come about as the characters work out their conflicts.
Elements of Drama Dramatic Irony - the audience knows what the characters onstage do not know - their future.