Learning Objectives To understand that charities rely on donations from the public To appreciate that people will have differing opinions and attitudes to charitable giving
Charity What does the word charity mean? Discuss briefly with a partner and be ready to share your ideas Charity: The act of giving, usually in the form of money, to help others
Which if any would you support and why? Name some charities… Which if any would you support and why?
Did you know? There are more than 160,000 registered charities in the UK and they are all competing for our money The average amount donated per person, per month was £11* 61% of women give to charity compared to 57% of men* Donations to medical charities (38%) topped the list, followed by Hospitals (26%); Children (24%); Overseas (17%) and Animals (14%)* Causes for the Arts only benefited from 1% of total donations made* Children in Need 2015 raised a record £37,100,687.00 Americans donate nearly 90% more than us Brits! (*Stats from NCVO 2011)
“No one has ever become poor by giving.” Anne Frank, Diary of Anne Frank: The play
Debate question This house believes that it is every person’s duty to look after the welfare of others through charitable giving.
Rules respect everyone’s opinion even if it is not the same as yours views can be expressed without interruption only one person at a time may speak remember body language and non-verbal responses - they can be as disrespectful as words challenge the idea not the speaker keep comments brief so everyone has a chance to speak
Your opinion Did anyone change their opinion having listened to the debate? Why? What other ways do you think you could be charitable in life?