May 18, 2017 Objective: To make connections from literature to historical time period {pre-reading activity, timeline WS, virtual tour} Find a partner and grab a packet off the front table for you to share. Read, highlight and annotate the packet as you go. The paper is due at the end of the period.
Objective: To read aloud and self-correct mistakes May 19, 2017 Objective: To read aloud and self-correct mistakes [Distribute parts, Read aloud Act I, scenes 1-2 (16), Homework: There/They’re/Their] Mr. Frank talks about Annes diary – YouTube (2:30)
May 22, 2017 Objective: To read aloud and self-correct mistakes {Read aloud Act 1, scene 3 (24), correct HW} Correct the sentence. There are 10 errors. Miep talks about giving Mr. Frank Anne’s diary (1:18) the seen remanes the same through out the play it is the top floor of a wearhouse & office in amsterdan
May 23, 2017 Objective: To make connections to literature To read aloud and self-correct mistakes [Hanukkah video, Read aloud Act 1, scenes 4-5 (19), Homework: Commas/ Semicolons/ Comma Splices due Th)] Correct the sentence. There are 11 errors. Mr frank says Their are no walls there are no bolts no locks that any one can put on you’re mind
Today in the play, the characters celebrate Hanukkah Today in the play, the characters celebrate Hanukkah. Watch this short video that explains the holiday. click on menorah for video
Anne Frank House 1:00 video & memorabilia May 25, 2017 Objective: To make connections to literature To read aloud and self-correct mistakes {Read aloud Act 2, scenes 1-3 (30), finish for HW} What is pictured below? Be specific. Anne Frank House 1:00 video & memorabilia
Write the titles with correct punctuation: May 30, 2017 Objective: To read aloud and self-correct mistakes {Read aloud Act 2, scenes 4-5 (8), Virtual Tour} Write the titles with correct punctuation: The Diary of Anne Frank (play) Freckled Anne (poem) Anne Frank Remembered (novel) Sweet Annie (song by ZBB) Anne's Choice (short story) Anneke's Nightmare (movie) Tour of the secret annex
1. _____Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt Germany in 1929. 2. _____Because he was alarmed by Nazi actions in Germany Otto Frank began the process of moving his family to safety. 3. _____He moved them to the Netherlands the summer of 1933 Hitler was not in power there. 4. _____Anne started kindergarten at the Montessori School in Amsterdam in 1934. 5. _____Since Nazi restrictions for the Dutch increased Anne was forced to attend a Jewish school in 1941. 6. _____For Annne’s thirteenth birthday he dad gives her a diary. 7. _____On July 6 1942 the Franks go into hiding and they hide in the attic rooms above Otto’s business. 8. _____The hiding place was discovered in August of 1944 but no one knows who actually told on them. 9. _____Eight of the people in hiding were deported to Auschwitz. 10. ____Anne and Margot died of typhus in 1945 they were in the camp Bergen-Belsen.
II. Fix the following comma splices and run-ons. Add punctuation. 1. In January 1933 Hitler came to power in Germany and he banished all political parties. 2. The Nuremburg Laws were passed in 1935, they stripped Jews of rights in Germany. 3. Because Germany invaded Poland it started World War II. 4. Nazis invaded the Netherlands in 1940 once in control they set up a brutal police force it was called the Gestapo. 5. Since the Gestapo administered strict laws they isolated Jews from the rest of the population. 6. The Allies carried out a successful invasion of France this success gave Jews hope for the end of the war. 7. The Allies won the war in 1945 and the war in Europe ended. 8. In 1947, Anne’s diary was published in Dutch over the next few years it is published in many other languages. 9. An estimated six million Jews died in the Holocaust for it was a true world tragedy. 10. In 1960 the hiding place of the Franks is converted into a museum so it can tell the story of Anne and those who hid with her.