The Books
Russian fairy tale
Vasilisa the Beautiful Once upon a time a faraway land there lived a man. He had one child, a girl called Vasilisa the Beautiful. When Vasilisa was eight years old, her mother died and left her which could help Vasilisa with everything.
Soon Vasilisa ‘s father married again. His new wife had two daughters Soon Vasilisa ‘s father married again. His new wife had two daughters. They hated Vasilisa and gave her all the most difficult work. One day they sent her to Baba Yaga.
"Gone with the Wind” Margaret Mitchell
Scarlett O’Hara’s life is easy and comfortable Scarlett O’Hara’s life is easy and comfortable. Her family has a big house and servants until the Civil War starts in America. Everything changes. Scarlett’s mother dies and her father is very all. Scarlett becomes the head of her family.
She learns to work on the land and looks after all her family and friends. But she is not alone: every time Scarlett gets into trouble, handsome Rhett Butler turns up and helps her. He wants to marry her, but Scarlett has a secret: she is madly in love with her best friend’s husband.
Anne Frank Anne Frank was a Jewish girl who lived in the Netherlands. Nazi Germany invaded the Netherlands in 1940. They killed Jews if they found them, so in 1942 Anne Frank and her family went into hiding. While she was hiding Anne Frank kept a diary.
In her diary she described every day of their life, which was full of hope and fear. Anne’s diary survived the war. It was found by one of the people who had helped her family. In 1947 the books was first published. Since then the diary has been translated into more than 55 languages.