Gender Programming Arab Region UNESCO GFP Network Training 29 November - 1 December 2011
Activities Targeting Women Education Law , Policy and Strategy Review Mainstreaming gender and addressing gender discrimination in educational contents and teacher training (in-service) Thematic studies: SRGBV, Women’s employability Literacy, non formal education, technical and vocation education Advocacy & Policy Dialogue: Experts Workshops/Meetings, International Women’s Day Capacity Building of ministry officials Women with disabilities UNESCO Chairs HIV & AIDS Capacity of media personnel on gender sensitive reporting and empowerment of women journalist Kahrez programme in Iraq Promoting women scientists and participation of women in fellowship programmes Science and Technology Master Plan Women and /in culture - Category II Centre in Jordan
Major challenges for gender equality - Education LIMITED ACCESS TO EDUCATION Low enrollment rates in most countries; high school drop-out rates; high illiteracy levels among women GENDER STEREOTYPES & DISCRIMINATION teaching practices, textbooks & curricula, school culture & environment LIMITED EDUCATIONAL & CAREER CHOICES Girls chose traditional fields of study and career paths Although when in school girls tend to do better than boys & access to HE is in favour of girls, there is low participation of women in the labour market
gender equality – Disabling environment Major challenges for gender equality – Disabling environment Patriarchy Culture and Tradition (e.g. early marriages) Discriminatory legal frameworks Poverty Low access to services – especially for women in rural areas GBV: SRGBV, domestic violence, honor killings, increased trafficking of women and girls, FGM; Unstable Security Situation Low participation in the labour market
Major challenges for gender equality- Capacity Lack of awareness/understanding/capacity regarding Gender Equality (among policy makers, education officials, school personnel, etc.) Lack of adequate gender experts with technical expertise and training capacity (especially Arabic speaking) Lack of data Lack of awareness and political support at key levels Lack of coordination and even competition/division among key stakeholder groups
Successful programmes and initiatives Education Law, Policy and Strategy Review – UNESCO Beirut, UNESCO Iraq Literacy programmes – UNESCO Beirut, Iraq, Khartoum CapEFA project – UNESCO Doha TVET & entrepreneurship education UNESCO Amman, Beirut, Doha Mainstreaming gender in educational contents and teaching practices – UNESCO Beirut, Khartoum SRGBV studies – UNESCO Beirut/UNESCO Iraq Gender in Media – training students or gender sensitive language – UNESCO Amman Gender equality in HE – UNESCO Iraq Water and Women – UNESCO Iraq
Ongoing obstacles to gender equality programming Limited expertise and capacity among UNESCO Staff for gender mainstreaming and gender specific programming Lack of expertise, capacity and material at country level (Arabic language) Lack of data Lack of political will and commitment
Best practices on gender equality Promote, systematize and scale up: Intersectoral collaboration Communication and sharing of information among FOs/HQs Engaging line ministries and promoting national ownership Integration in UNDAF
“wish list” for the region in terms of gender equality Technical & Financial Support – Tools & Methodology for GM & GSP from ODG/GE Institutionalisation of the GFPs (time allocation/post description/ clarification and recognition of this role) Coordination- Communication and Sharing of Good Practices Sustainability /Additional capacity building for the GFP on gender mainstreaming and on specific issues such as gender responsive budgeting, development of gender sensitive indicators, mainstreaming gender in national strategies, evaluation, etc. Promote dialogue and cooperation among key stakeholders: academics, government officials, CSOs, NGOs, Media, etc. Increased coordination with UN Women/other UN agencies – UNDAF
Based on contributions from: UNESCO Amman UNESCO Beirut UNESCO Doha UNESCO Iraq UNESCO Khartoum THANK YOU!!!