Final Exam Study Guide Madnick/Global Studies 9


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Presentation transcript:

Final Exam Study Guide Madnick/Global Studies 9 Exam Dates Wednesday, June 10 A/C Thursday, June 11 B/D

Basic Definitions History the study of the past through artifacts and resources Geography the study of Earth’s structure how people interact with their environment Primary Source document created during the time period being studied

Maps Physical: show land forms and bodies of water Political: show shapes and boundaries of countries Thematic: show information about various themes ex: population, climate, resources

Culture “A blueprint for living” The patterns of behavior and ways of thinking within a group Everything that helps a society develop

Exchange of ideas, customs, goods, and technology among cultures Cultural Diffusion Exchange of ideas, customs, goods, and technology among cultures Examples: Spread of Religions: Islam, Hinduism, Christianity Trade along Silk Road and Gold Road Printing Press Columbian Exchange Spanish Language in Central and South America

ETHNOCENTRISM Belief that one’s own ethnic group is superior to all others Ancient Chinese & Romans saw themselves as better than outsiders Europeans saw themselves as better than native people the encountered “My culture is better than yours”

Law Codes Hammurabi’s Code eye for an eye 12 Tables of Roman Law expanded laws made under Greek democracy Justinian’s Code preserved Roman laws during the Byzantine Empire

Art & Architecture Pyramids Importance of the Pharaoh Life after death BOB- Greek concept of beauty, order, and balance Renaissance Art Importance of the individual / individualism New techniques, colors, linearperspective

Major Religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam Monotheistic Connection to the Holy Land/Jerusalem Founder, holy book, rules for behavior

Major Religions: Hinduism & Buddhism Polytheistic Reincarnation Respect for nature Meditation to achieve Nirvana or Enlightenment

Chinese Philosophies Confucianism (Confucius) People are naturally good; following the 5 basic relationships lead to organized society Legalism (Hanfeizi) People are naturally evil; strict laws and harsh punishments needed for organized society Daoism/Taoism (Laozi) Dao means “the way”, go with the flow,

Japanese Philosophies Shintoism worship spirits of nature called kami, respect for nature Code of Bushido “way of the warrior,” code of honor and war used by Samurai

Agricultural Revolution The change in human history from hunting and gathering to farming Permanent food supply from crops and domesticated animals Led to permanent towns and villages Led to organized civilizations Civilizations developed governments, belief systems, art, architecture, technology, etc…

The earliest civilizations developed in river valleys Egypt : Nile River China : Huang He India: Indus River Mesopotamia: Tigris & Euphrates Rivers provided: Water Fertile soil Food transportation

Early Civilizations Basics The Biggies: Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, India, Greece, Rome, Byzantine, African trading kingdoms Golden Age: time of peace & prosperity marked by great achievements Athens, Tang/Song, Abbasid, Pax Romana, Renaissance,

Early China Geography-mountains and deserts kept China separate from India, Europe Early dynasties arose along Huang He and Yangtze rivers QinDynasty Great Wall Standard weights & measures Shang Dynasty Calligraphy Oracle Bones

Ancient Greece Geography – Mountainous region, isolated valleys, natural harbors City-States: Athens and Sparta Major achievements in art and a architecture , government Athens=birthplace of democracy

Greek Culture = Hellenistic Culture Hellenistic=Greek Greek=Hellenistic Spread by Alexander the great, who conquered Greece, Persia, India, and Egypt Major diffusion of Greek culture or…..Hellenism

The Romans Geography – Italy was the center of the Roman empire (peninsula, Mediterranean Sea, flat Unified by the Romans; expanded by various emperors starting with Caesar C in architecture (arches & domes), engineering (aqueducts & roads), Law,Law,Law,Law

Byzantine Empire Emperor Justinian Justinian’s Code Hagia Sophia Preservation of Greek and Roman culture Great Schism = split between Catholic and Orthodox churches

African Trading Kingdoms Ghana, Mali, & Songhai Competed to control major trade routes in North Africa Gold and salt trade

Mali & Mansa Musa Mansa Musa was king of the Mali and helped to spread Islam and create new trade routes across Africa, as he made his hajj to Mecca Timbuktu becomes a key city

Middle Ages in Europe Church was very powerful Feudalism Knights followed code of chivalry, similar to Japanese code of Bushido Crusades resulted in greater demand for Asian goods

Renaissance in Europe Began in Italy Geography -peninsula in center of the Mediterranean; access to all trade routes Venice and Genoa were trade centers

Renaissance in Europe Machiavelli Martin Luther Scientific Revolution thinkers Counter Reformation-movement by Catholic Church to rebuild its power

North and South America Amerindians=Olmec, Maya, Aztec, Inca Advanced architecture, writing systems, calendars Olmec big heads Inca terrace farming, roads

Age of Exploration Europeans looking for new routes to Asia Spanish and Portuguese Conquered Amerindians with superior technology—guns Columbian exchange = major cross regional contact