Key idea: Managing climate change involves both mitigation (reducing causes) and adaptation (responding to change). Mitigation – alternative energy production, carbon capture, planting trees, international agreements Adaptation – change in agricultural systems, managing water supply, reducing risk from rising sea levels
Mitigation – alternative energy production, carbon capture, planting trees, international agreements Up to 4: Give a basic description of one way to deal with climate change. 5/6: Give a description of more than one way to deal with climate change. Explain how they work and begin to consider the extent of success. 7+: Give a detailed description and explanation of three ways to deal with climate change. Consider the extent of success with a range of examples as evidence.
Mitigation – alternative energy production, carbon capture, planting trees, international agreements
It is the belief that it is still possible to deal with the problem. Mitigation is about trying to slow down or prevent climate change from happening. It is the belief that it is still possible to deal with the problem.
International Agreements Planting Trees Carbon Capture Alternative Energy Production International Agreements
1. Replacing fossil fuels with nuclear power and renewable energy can help reduce climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from power stations. 2. From 1997 most countries in the world agreed to monitor and cut greenhouse gas emissions by signing the Kyoto Protocol. 3. This increases the amount of carbon dioxide that is absorbed from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. 4. The Kyoto Protocol set each country a target. The UK agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 12.5% by 2012. The UK met the target, actually reducing emissions by 22%. 5. Carbon Capture and Storage, known as CCS is a new technology designed to reduce climate change by reducing emissions from fossil fuel burning at power stations. 6. The EU has now agreed to cut emissions by 20% from their 1990 levels by 2020. 7. In the UK, more offshore wind farms are being built, several wave and tidal power projects are planned, as well as more nuclear power plants. 8. CCS involves capturing CO2 and transporting it to places where it can be stored safely, e.g. underground.
Match a fact from your worksheet to the picture
Carbon Capture and Storage, known as CCS is a new technology designed to reduce climate change by reducing emissions from fossil fuel burning at power stations. CCS involves capturing CO2 and transporting it to places where it can be stored safely, e.g. underground.
Replacing fossil fuels with nuclear power and renewable energy can help reduce climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from power stations. In the UK, more offshore wind farms are being built, several wave and tidal power projects are planned, as well as more nuclear power plants.
Stopping deforestation increases the amount of carbon dioxide that is absorbed from the atmosphere through photosynthesis.
From 1997 most countries in the world agreed to monitor and cut greenhouse gas emissions by signing the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol set each country a target. The UK agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 12.5% by 2012. The UK met the target, actually reducing emissions by 22%.
What were the problems with the Kyoto Protocol?
Mitigation – alternative energy production, carbon capture, planting trees, international agreements
Explain how we can take action to mitigate against climate change (4) AO1 Knowledge Level Marked Explain how we can take action to mitigate against climate change (4) L1 (1-2) Names one or more strategies L2 (3-4) Begins to describe/explain one or more strategies. 2 strategies are needed for 4 marks. Don’t list or bullet point or you’ll get stuck in L1!
Concepts & Connections Level Marked Concepts & Connections AO2 ‘International agreements are critical in the challenge to reduce global carbon emissions’. Use evidence to support this statement. (6) L1 (1-4) Description and explanation on what an international agreement is and how international agreements work. L2 (5-6) As above, but with named example, e.g. Kyoto with clear link to data to show success.
Concepts & Connections Level Marked Concepts & Connections AO2 To what extent do you think international agreements will help to solve the problems associated with climate change? (8) L1 (1-4) Gives description of what an international agreement is. L2 (5-6) As above, but with named example(s), such as Kyoto. Ideas on successes or failures. L3 (7-8) Describes and explains what international agreements are, with at least one example. Considers the success and failures/limitations with overall summative opinion, based on factual evidence.
Make a summary for your notes. Climate Change Conference are held every year for nations to discuss issues and progress. Research into the agreements that were made at 21st Climate Change Conference in Paris in 2015. Make a summary for your notes.
Plenary Scenery What can you see in this diagram from today’s learning?
Key idea: Managing climate change involves both mitigation (reducing causes) and adaptation (responding to change). Mitigation – alternative energy production, carbon capture, planting trees, international agreements Adaptation – change in agricultural systems, managing water supply, reducing risk from rising sea levels