Personality Sells: How Yours Can Impact Your Success! By Dan Kusner, President Optimum Business Development, L.P.
What You Will Learn in this Webinar: Methods and processes for discovering patterns used by sales professionals to achieve outstanding results Models, skills and techniques for thinking and acting more effectively Personality styles and behaviors, the understanding of which can help you sell more successfully
Want to Become a More Successful Sales Professional? Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) NLP is the art and science of personal excellence, derived from studying how top people in different fields obtain outstanding results. NLP is an art because everyone brings their unique personality and style to what they do, and this can’t be captured in words or explicit techniques. NLP is a science because there is a method and process for discovering the patterns used by outstanding individuals in any field.
Want Differentiates the Best Sales Professionals from the Average? First, let’s note that: People are different. Some people make other people feel comfortable. Some people make other people feel uncomfortable. People prefer to buy from people who make them feel comfortable. People feel most comfortable with others like them! What NLP techniques will enable people to feel comfortable with you?
How You Communicate with People Will Determine their Comfort Level The biggest communication problem is assuming that communication actually occurred! Do your listeners actually hear and understand what you communicate? How do you know?
Are People Really Listening to You? How good are you at making an impression on someone? Research indicates that: 7% of your total impact comes from the words you say. 38% comes from your tonality and speech patterns. 55% comes from your body physiology, such as your posture.
Some Observations: Even though the words you say account for 7% of your total impact, saying the wrong words can be devastating! These statistics are from the listener’s perspective. This is the impact on someone who is listening to you. How do you know what the right words are? How do you know if what you’re saying is having any impact?
Research Indicates that We Communicate with Others by: Listening (40%) Talking (35%) Reading (16%) and Writing (9%) The average person has a 25% efficiency in listening, even when you’re telling them something you think is important! Why are they not listening? Aren’t you saying anything that interests them?
So What Can You Do About This? Stop talking so much. Instead, ask questions! Other people feel better about you when they are the center of attention, and the discussion revolves around them … not you! Successful sales professionals spend less time talking, ask more questions and listen carefully.
A Model for Understanding Human Behavior (DISC Analysis) Task Orientation Listener/Question Mode Talker/Tell Mode “Cautious Thinker” Analytic Angela “Dominant” Driver Darrin “Steady Relater” Amiable Amy “Influencer” Expressive Everett People Orientation
DISC Individual Communication and Behavior Model Task Orientation Listener/Question Mode Talker/Tell Mode C-C C-D D-C D-D C-S C-I D-S D-I S-C S-D I-C I-D S-S S-I I-S I-I People Orientation
Observations People like people who are like themselves. People are uncomfortable with people who are different; the greater the difference, the greater the discomfort. Some people make tasks the highest priority and others make relationships the highest priority. Some people are talkers; others are listeners. Great sales professionals “match and mirror” their prospects and clients.
Listener/Question Mode Observations People prospect best when their prospecting process is consistent with their behavioral style. Task Orientation People Orientation Talker/Tell Mode Listener/Question Mode “Cautious Thinker” Analytic Angela “Dominant” Driver Darrin “Steady Relater” Amiable Amy “Influencer” Expressive Everett
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Dan Kusner, President Optimum Business Development, L.P. Thank you for your participation! Dan Kusner, President Optimum Business Development, L.P.