A smorgasbord of ideas to generate innovative, big thinking at your institution Panelists: Vinay Narayan, Carrie Shaw, Mary Spio Moderator: Daniel Christian February 28, 2017
Agenda Brief introductory piece Panel discussion Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), & Mixed Reality (MR) Q&A If time, several other ideas
Metaphors For this brief introductory piece: Radars Pulse-checking* * Surveying the relevant landscapes is an increasingly important skill for our students to have
“Are the following ideas and areas on your institution’s radar?” Going with the radar metaphor, the important question is: “Are the following ideas and areas on your institution’s radar?” New ideas are very fragile; but if given a chance, they can grow and have a significant impact.
Blockchain A distributed database that’s shared and constantly reconciled “Picture a spreadsheet that is duplicated thousands of times across a network of computers. Then imagine that this network is designed to regularly update this spreadsheet and you have a basic understanding of the blockchain.” Transactional history = the “chain”
Blockchain: Lifelong, cloud-based learner profiles
AI, machine learning, deep learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) is usually defined as the science of making computers do things that require intelligence when done by humans Applications of deep learning: Speech recognition Image recognition Natural language processing (NLP) Recommendation systems Other
AI, machine learning, deep learning, NLP Personal assistants Amazon’s Alexa Apple’s Siri Microsoft’s Cortana Facebook’s M Google Assistant Apps that integrate Natural Language Processing (NLP) Voice-based interfaces Speech recognition
AI, machine learning, deep learning, NLP Holocaust survivor Pinchas Gutter filmed answering 1000+ Q’s, generating ~25 hrs of footage Using NLP, learners are able to ask Gutter’s projected image Q’s that trigger relevant responses
IBM Watson: Cognitive computing
AI, machine learning, deep learning, NLP What does it mean for skills to be added to Alexa, the intelligent personal assistant developed by Amazon? Developers released 4,000 new skills for the voice assistant in just the last quarter! Techcrunch.com 100 skills per day! Zacks.com Amazon’s Alexa is becoming a platform!
Other areas (if time, after panel) Chat bots Internet of Things / M2M communications Exponential pace of change Need for more TrimTab Groups Need for more team-based content creation & delivery Software/algorithms needed to help select which space to renovate next 9.7 billion people by 2050: Systems of education going to hold up?
New forms of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), & Mixed Reality (MR) Which brings us to our panel discussion!
Vinay Narayan ED, Virtual Reality Product Management, HTC Vive
Carrie Shaw CEO & Founder Embodied Labs
Mary Spio Founder & Chief Product Architect, CEEK VR INC
Panel discussion I’ll introduce several topics Then we’ll open it up to your questions
Panel discussion An example of VR from Carrie – link
Panel discussion
Are these things on your radar? If there’s time… …we can briefly discuss the topics/areas listed below Again, the question is: Are these things on your radar?
Chatbots Chat bots are computer programs that mimic conversation w/ people using AI Via written or spoken text Can plug into messaging platforms such as Facebook’s WhatsApp and/or Messenger Applications for traveling, online shopping, banking, tech support, the weather, etc.
Chatbots could answer questions about: Prospective students (recruitment) Your mission, campus, academic programs If an application was received and what’s the status of the application Current students What’s my balance and when’s it due? What courses am I taking next semester and where/when do they meet? Where is a certain building? Bus routes/times …and more
Internet of Things (IoT) Machine-to-machine communications Faculty member walks into room System recognizes who it is Obtains that faculty member’s preferred room settings Projector goes on Lights dim to desired level CMS/LMS gets launched and, based on the time of day it is, the appropriate course is displayed
Pace of technological change has changed Now on exponential curve AI, automation, robotics likely to have major impact on jobs & employment People will need to reinvent themselves over & over again Lifelong/constant learning
Need for TrimTab Groups w/in higher education Need to be more responsive Update curricula faster Create smaller, more nimble TrimTab Groups to innovate, experiment Hand over to the larger organization what’s working Move on to next endeavor/project
Speaking of groups & teams… Faculty’s plates getting overloaded Teaching Research Advising Committee meetings & related work Professional development / new pedagogies/tools Other Now, with new forms of HCI coming, do we expect faculty to learn all of that too? We need more team-based content creation & delivery The team can – and likely should -- include students!
Are we ok or are changes needed? With the world’s population to hit 9.7 billion by 2050: Systems of education going to hold up? Handle additional demand? Given current cost trajectory, will people be able to afford higher education in 2030? 2040? In 2050?
Software needed to help select which space to renovate next For you entrepreneurs out there…we need software to help us select which space to renovate next General availability throughout the year Size in square feet Current layout of the room Current age of furniture Date of last improvement Willing faculty member(s) with ALC-based pedagogies # of help desk calls (i.e., # of smart classroom-related rescues) Potential layouts/designs Links to preferred vendors for obtaining quotes Other
How do we keep informed about all of these areas? 2 effective possibilities to tap into the ever-flowing streams of content are: Using an RSS feed aggregator such as Feedly & subscribing to a variety of blogs & RSS feeds Check out Up and Running with RSS and Podcast Subscriptions on Lynda.com Using Google alerts google.com/alerts Search items for certain keywords or phrases
Thank you for your time & attention! Panelists: Vinay Narayan, Carrie Shaw, Mary Spio Moderator: Daniel Christian February 28, 2017